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Posts posted by Egocentricion

  1. There are games that have worse graphics than so called 'Crysis' and run slower on high end PC's, it's called optimisation, while Crysis looks great, in my opinion the Graphics arent what we would expect from a 2012 perspective.

    For example Gothic 4 Arcania while a bad game, had wind making the leaves fall from the trees, 3D Trees with 3D Branches and 3D Grass, and even rocks looked better than Crysis bad polygons.

    It's all about the art perspective and direction, you can make a great game by adding depth and detail without it having the latest omg'engine graphics and it will still look better than most of games claiming they have the 'graphics'.

  2. Huh? What was cartoony about it?

    Not photorealism, but the game was surely going for a realistic look, as far as its time period and technology go.

    The new generation of players aren't used to the low colour variety of old games, that's why they picture it as cartoony, while it was not quite cartoony for the 90's, the graphics are a bit outdated for today's standards.

    Not a thing everyone comprehends today.

  3. TBS has been in decline for years with few 4x notable titles coming out such as Rebellion, Sword of the Stars 2, Endless Space (this one is extremely good), and Civ 5.

    Jagged Alliance 2 was pretty bad and disappointed lots of people.

    About XComEU, people have mixed feelings, while Firaxis tried to simplify the game so they appeal to a much higher audience ; it surely upset the die hard fans of old XCom series, but we must be aware that the market and the audiences are evolving and that there are very rare cases of big succes for Indie titles (recently Project Eternity which is a mix of Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment got over 4 million dollars from Kickstarter).

    Xenonauts might go viral and become a widespread game amongst both new and old players, but this is up to us, the pioneers to spread the word around and also help the dev team optimise the game properly so it can be released in good measures.

  4. Hello, i just bought the game and i think it's just awesome! But i have a tiny problem though :(

    After 2-3 turns the game just crashes and it says Xenonauts does not respond... I get this everytime and for the first battle it didn't happen, but once i got to the 2nd crash site it does it all the time.

    The second problem which doesn't really bother me is that a sprite is not showing on the battlefield, 1350571636-xenobug.jpg as shown in this screenshot.

    Hope there is a fix to the crashes or a word from the devs!

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