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Posts posted by Raakku

  1. Who would anyone change the name a dozen times anyway?

    If you do change it, you do it at the very start, because you have soemthing specific in mind.

    I don't know anyone who keeps changing names.

    I know 2-3 who change nicknames based on what a soldier does.

    But I don't see it as a sproblem at all.

    But that's what I meant: shouldn't it be enough to be able to customize the identity of an soldier once; when he/she is recruited? What would you leave out of being customizable on the soldiers? Gender? Shouldn't it be changeable whenever the player wants also then? And what would we have then: a genderbenderUFOdefenderforce? ;)

    Nicknames/Callsigns are completely different matter and I agree that they should be freely customizable.

  2. I'm not a native english speaker so I'm not quite sure if I chose the right word, what I meant was that the ability to drastically change the soldier whenever the player wants makes them less like a little virtual people with their own identity. Even if that identity consists only of a bunch of attributes and name/face. I don't even like the respec-option that some RPG:s offer, and that has significance on the gameplay.

    I think you're thinking of suspension of disbelief with your list of "unrealistic" things in the game, well it's a tactical turn-based game against aliens, so ofcourse I have to accept that the invading interplanetary force can be won in a serie of skirmishes and that the time freezes between the movement of the soldiers. The things that happen after the initial premise make or break the belief in the internal logic of the gameworld.

    I'll try to explain it other way: the soldiers' attributes grow automatically as they perform certain things, this represents them gaining experience and getting better at what they do... now it could have been made with actual experience points that build up and raise the soldier in levels and every now and then award the player with stat- or skill points that can be freely used to upgrade the attributes of the soldier. The latter option gives the player more freedom with the soldiers but I prefer the first one as it feels more realistic and makes the soldiers the little people I mentioned in the beginning of the post and forces the player to accept them as they are.

    I'm not against being able to change every and each one of the rookies to whatever the player wants, I have coworkers whose little virtual counterparts I could happily send to battlefield as an exclusive mine-stomping crew, what I'm against is being able to change the name and face of the soldier countless times whenever the player wants... it would make it so that you can give your name to whichever soldier that happens to be the best one at the crew and change it every time when an other soldier gets better... I find it too easy.

  3. I find it weird and greatly immersion-breaking when a game allows me to completely change the player character mid-game. Some sort of optional "mercenaries-R-us" screen where the name, face and nationality of the soldier could be edited and then the wanted soldier would pop to the base with the next batch of recruits and couldn't be re-named anymore would be much better.

    Call-signs are completely different thing, as they are something that is given by the military, unlike the soldiers name or face and so could easily be changed as many times wanted.

    Though I have to admit, I never even noticed that the soldier names could be changed in the original X-Com. :D

  4. I made the mistake of buying the premium alpha, which apparently means I can only download the Mac or Linux clients.

    Meanwhile, desura itself fails halfway through the download every time.

    Apparently I have to buy the non-premium alpha in order to play?!

    This is Desura being derpy, I believe. As soon as V16 drops (Any Minute now...), you should be able to download all versions properly from Desura.

    I seem to have the same problem with the Premium thingie... no windows version available.

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