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Posts posted by SirAstral

  1. Yeah.

    Mike: Hey Joe, I'm on your right, don't shoot me!

    Joe: Oh my God, there's an alien impersonating Mike! BLAM!

    Actually this has happened a lot for me. I have a character that will stupidly shoot through one of my guys that is obviously in the line of fire to snap shot an alien. That is pretty darn annoying.

    I have also had situations where an alien will walk in front of 4 units all with saved shots stop end turn and no one on my side takes a shot. Talk about wasted TU.

  2. The problem isn't really whether they miss or hit, the problem is when they do miss you have shots going WILDLY off course. Missing by inches or even a couple yards I don't have a problem with, I have a problem with the misses literally going nearly sideways sometimes. I've seen real life close range gun fights where entire magazines were emptied at less than 20 feet and neither party was hit, like gunfights around a vehicle or other hard cover. It happens to police every once in a while, but their misses aren't going off at 45+ degree angles, they're passing within inches or a yard from the target.

    This is exactly what I am talking about! I can deal with missing the enemy, I am just not okay with my friendlies taking damage or dying in obscene situations because of it.

  3. I'm not sure why you'd think I would find it insulting or sound harsh that you don't agree with me :P You are free to do so. Although I do find it kind of funny that we think different things are more realistic :D (ie posibility of missing from one square away vs sure hit at that distance)

    I guess if Chris and the gang could do something about how the game handles collisions or generate tile hits they could open up deviations to modders so that I could get my preferred large deviations and StellarRat gets his minimal diviation.

    StllarRat: that was in a different thread though. Just type in "deviation" in the search field and they will all show up. I lft som of the threads that showed up out of that post so you might find some other interesting bits.

    I just have strong opinions and a mouth that gets away from me. I just do not want anyone to get the idea that I am trying to personally insult them or anything when I am only upset about the situation. I do hope they can find a good way to balance it out.

    The other thing is that my standards are usually unreasonably high as well, but that is just because I am a picky person and I accept that.

    My idea on how to balance this out would be the closer a person gets to an enemy unit the higher risk they take in getting a first hand ventilation experience. This would include sneaking up behind an enemy. I think it would be reasonable for a an Enemy with enough reserve TU could turn around and blast someone because they hear a unit with a lot of noisy equipment trying to ninja them from behind.

    As things stand, ground combat is best fighting long range and sniping everything down. It really makes it a walk in the park and we all know that in real combat situations no one would ever send a whole squadron of snipers to the front line.

    It might be a nifty change to give snipers a long but narrow view range of 1~3 squares wide with double the distance where you have to spend TU to look around through the scope and where your peripheral vision is then obscured.

    It would also be cool to be able to use binoculars as well. These implements of war have long been missed in most war games, but I also understand that that also runs counter of the desire to create an edgy and fear provoking combat atmosphere.

  4. Sir Astral you do know that the units are on the move in the game, right? ;) they are just standing still because it is a turn based game rather than real time. as such close enough to touch isn't garanteed to hit, because it only last a fleeting moment and then they either move or shoot your face off with their weapon.

    I don't rally care if you can't wrap your head around the concept that I think game balance > realism, that I find realism to be cheaper of the two. what you think of me I think of you for insisting that you can't find missing from that point with an alien in your face trying to kill you to be likely/possible.

    If it's beliveble in the Alien, Predtor, starshiptroopers etc movies/games etc I don't see why the chryssalidlike shouldn't be able to do it here.

    I do not mean to be insulting when I say this and I apologize if it sounds harsh, but I do see your point, I just do not want to accept it!

    Yes, I understand that they are moving, but keep in mind that the trade off is my own units getting shot/killed in the most obscene situations. The end result is that we are not only ignoring reality we are actually turning it on its head and instead made more sacrifices than gains for the sake of balance. Yes in some cases you have to trade off some realism for the sake of balance and expediency... it is a game after all, I just am not for sacrificing it to the absurd degree in which I see it in game.

  5. Ofc there should. This isn't real life. this is a game and you have to balance it as such. If the devs find that its balanced then fine.

    But the mechanics is flawed when it causes misses to hit.

    There is a problem with using the argument "this isn't real life" as a defense for "Clown Accuracy". And asking something to be realistic is not necessarily asking for it to model real life exactly. I would like for common sense to apply to the games I play and not rely on nonsensical implementations like the "Toothpick of Awesomeness + 999" to kill a baddie or balance a game.

    Close enough to physically touch something is 100% accuracy and the unwillingness to accept that would indicate someone that is not willing to take the time to balance things the correct way and acceptable to cheapening the gaming experience in a shallow balancing attempt.

    I am well aware that this existed in X-Com original as well and I didn't agree with it then either.

  6. That is beautiful. Can you give me some idea how you went about creating the trees? They are stunning.

    A while ago, when we discussed possible tilesets (pre-kickstarter), forests were ruled out as Chris felt that they were hard to do while retaining any sense of realism. Having seen these, I am converted!

    Chris, have you offered zzz1010 a job yet?

    Agreed! Why is zzz1010 not 'officially' making maps for this game? just the couple of samples I have seen are freaking fantastic! I would love to play on those maps!

  7. My problem with Xcom:EU is that its not XCOM. XCOM is a tactical simulator, and the new one is just a run on rails where levels are designed for you to play in a pattern. I want entrenched enemies, enough units to feel like a war and not some tip-toe skirmish. Artificial constraints like, you can only get close and dangerously snuggly to capture an alien with this here stick are stupid. 1 Firetruck and a water hose would knock a lot of aliens out for easy capture in reality, so get off the stupidity. Tazer's and a couple of spikes attached to wires have a fairly decent range compared to close and snuggly as well.

    A better storyline would be nice too... not they are here for our resources because the other planets in our system has better resources with the added benefit of no pesky humans shooting at you while you take them.

    And for goodness sakes... put some damn clothes (think bio-suits) on those aliens... It is reasonable to assume that they have learned about microbes by now... having accomplished space flight and all that.

  8. Well, I tried to say this was a waste to time.... if you can't stop'em then might as well join'em. Here are my thoughts

    I pirate games to try before I buy. If I like I buy, if I don't then I delete.

    I do not feel sorry in the least for the losses against RIAA/MPAA and the producers slaven enough to contract with them.

    I do not like eating DRM for my gaming fix.

    I do not purchase games with unreasonable DRM such as StarCraft II & Diablo III.

    I do happily pay for good games and supporting Indie development projects with good game ideas with my hard earned cash! Xenonauts is one of them, despite it not quite working as well as I had hoped, but it is still not finished and I would still have paid the $30 just for the encouragement! It is still a good quality game, especially considering the situation and I bow to Chris and the devs who got together for this!

    If you do not support, WITH YOUR MONEY, the devs that make these games then they might not make anymore now will they?

    I prefer my devs to get the money they deserve directly, and for all invovled to be able to make a profit off the game and yes be millionaires if they make a good enough game.

    There is a reason the corporate thugs use heavy handed DRM, because they are thieves themselves and hate competition.

    Fair and practical copy protection for copyright works is reasonable so long as it does not destroy my hardware/software or my ability to play it offline or 50 years from now (with an emulator) if I get a hair up my arse!

  9. I am on a bug reporting roll tonight wow....

    I have noticed a bug where South American forecasted funding drops by 128 points every second. The rate of drop is consistent regardless of how fast I have set the time flow. Interestingly enough this is also the section where that missing alien bases was present when it disappeared from my save.

    I am becoming very certain that this rapid funding drop is very associated with the presence of an Alien Base. The rapid drop moved to a different Continent 'Russia' (went back to older save) and about 1 day later (game time) an Alien Base pops up. This is looking more like design and not a bug, however you can ease your losses by setting time to max speed until the base is revealed, so something does not appear to be operating as intended.

    This is definitely bugged. After reloading to a state just before the supposed Alien Base starts the funding drain I notice that the funding loss was then directly tied to my cursor movement. Literally the faster I moved my mouse the faster the funding dropped. If I held the mouse still, no funding dropped.

  10. On the Geoscape when a UFO that travels at 2500km appears all saves made while it is present are corrupt and cannot be reloaded. I have tried to reload several times but all that happens is game freeze.

    This is not new to v17.1 it was also present in v16.1 I just had not reported it yet because I was not certain, but now I am.

    I finally found that the UFO in question appears to be the Heavy Fighter alien UFO. Saves made after the UFO has been shot down are good and can be loaded.

  11. Known issue.

    Basically, if you load a game where a transport is in the air, the game will CTD when the transport reaches it's destination.

    The workaround is to save before and after the transport trip, not during.

    There was also an older bug where if you sent a load of things to be transported, then send another load WITHOUT first returning to thr Geoscape (just switching tabs to other baseview doesn't count as it doesn't progress time), then you'd also have a CTD when the transports got to the destination. I think this was fixed though. Possibly. Either way you're only sending one plane so it doesn't affect you.

    It's interesting that you say it stopped crashing after about 5 attempts though. Food for thought.

    Thanks for the information. I usually make a save before every action I take as a precaution for this but I got lazy and forgot too. On top of that I had about 5 UFO's pop after I started the transfer process and did not want to go back to a a super old save because dealing with those Fighter UFS's is a major pain. So I was desperate to keep my progress which is why I just kept trying. So yea I downed 5 UFO's 2 of those 3 man fighter squads a single 1 man fighter and 2 seperate mid sized scouts all during the time my transport took off and landed. I was afraid one of the fighter UFO's was going to down my plane. the UFO that was on screne when it crashed was the 6th and pop about 10 seconds before landing.

  12. I have 2 bases (1 USA & 1 EU) and I was delivering a Mig32 (no other items) from my USA base to my EU base. When the transport reaches my EU base the game crashes to the desktop.

    Objects visible on GeoScape

    Only 1 squadron of Alien Fighters (1 + 2 escorts)

    Mig32 on return from shooting down medium scout ufo

    1 Crashsite

    1 Chinook Transport heading for the Crashsite

    After 4 or 5 save reloads the crashing stopped for an unknown reason.

  13. that still means that you automatically hit from one-two squares away...

    You make this sound like a bad thing, when in fact it is very well known that it is practically impossible to miss any human sized object at that range. when you are that close to an object you should not even need to use anything other than a snap shot with 100% accuracy.

    Keep in mind this is not a bad mechanic as it provides increased risk of getting your bollocks ventilated by a reaction shot while you are trying to get up close and personal with an alien.

    There should be no missing going on when units are just a couple of squares away from each other.

  14. I have a character that is stuck next to a door. I cannot open or close the door, the graphic icon for door manipulation does not appear. I can no longer move my unit. The problem persists after a turn as well. My unit appears to be suck in place and unable to fire weapon either, for the duration of the mission.

    The green movement tile appears with a ? in it if that helps!

    Edit: Doh! v16.1

  15. Some of the wild shots that happen in this game are too unbelievable. I am not asking that actual accuracy be improved, but it should not be possible for an aimed sniping shot to even be anywhere near 45 Degrees off so much that a friendly was capped in the bum. Not even a child shooting for the first time in their life has aim that bad, so make missed shots look realistic instead of like a clown juggling a loaded firearm. Not even a 0% chance to hit should solicit that level of clown accuracy.

  16. This problem should be gone with v16.1. Please keep reporting it (here or in new post) only if you have this in v16.1!

    I can confirm that this problem still persists with v16.1, I see no sprites being rendered at all, farmland map and one of the civies does not even have a shadow (scratch that... he does have a shadow) and I am used to seeing them. I have a game saved exactly where this invisible civ is at. Is there a place I can upload the save, will that help more?

  17. Wow, somehow this whole thread seems to have been derailed into a class/classless system debate, class systems are unavoidable, the real question is are you going to lock units into a class. If I take 2 units and give one a sniper rifle and the other a rocket launcher... guess what? I have effectively created two classes of soldiers when you get right down to it, the difference is really that next mission I can give them different weapons changing their classes without necessarily any drawbacks.

    A specialization system should be available but not in the way everyone is thinking. These specializations can be randomly attached to hired units and do not have to be trainable, but if there is call to train them then make it an off base event. No need to build a base add-on when equivalent real world training in already available military facilities will do! Here is a short list of reasonable and honestly tactically enhancing specializations that I believe would only enhance the depth of game play.

    Mechanic (Can field repair vehicles up to a limit and torch cut doors or weld shut doors, plus drive those vehicles baby!)

    Medical (In Xenonauts everyone is unrealistically a medic that can field dress serious wounds?)

    Pilot (Who is flying these guys around? The cockpit is empty every time I start a combat mission, ghost pilots?)

    I believe these specializations would ad an important tactical element to the game. For example, right now I would only use a vehicle as fodder or a front line mobile meat-shield since it does not gain experience. Units should man this vehicle grow in experience and be able to enter/exit the vehicle in the field. Another good example is that if you only have one pilot and he gets his skippies shot off in combat then you will have to send another transport to carry or para-drop another pilot to fly your crew back. It should also add the idea that you need to defend your transport for the obvious reasons instead of just leaving it open to invasion. You don't even have to include pilots as a regular part of your combat squad but they should still be sitting there in the cockpit. And last but not least... the good ole medics. It is the same thing that bothered me in the original x-com, everyone is a medic. There should be 3 classifications for wounds...

    Light wounds: 70% health or higher remaining - Chance of Bleeding Condition

    =Unit is still 100% combat effective no stat reduction

    =First-Aid by self or untrained unit with med-kit can stop bleeding if present

    =First-Aid by Medic can stop bleeding and restore some lost HP.

    Injured Condition: 25%~69% health remaining - TU costs increase 50%

    =Unit is placed in injured/bleeding condition reduces stats (Strength/Reaction) and will take a knee

    =Movement in injured+bleeding status causes additional damage of 1 hp per step taken

    =First-Aid by non-medic only removes bleeding status

    =Requires immediate attention of a unit with medical specialization to stop bleeding and prevent further deterioration.

    Critical Condition: 24% or less health remaining - TU costs increase 100%

    =Unit is initially incapacitated and listed in Unconscious+Critical+Bleeding condition.

    =First-Aid by non-medic will remove bleeding status only.

    =First-Aid by Medic will remove Unconscious+Bleeding status and restore some HP.

    =Unit remains in Critical Condition with reduced stats (Strength/Reaction/Accuracy)

    Units in Injured or Critical Condition should be force assigned to infirmary until their health is at least 70% where they can resume active duty.

    This scheme would also introduce the options to add medical advancements that can come from studying alien tech. With enough research an advanced med-kit can be created that allows non-medics to be as effective as a minimally skilled medic. Another would be to allow a medic to use researched chemicals to enhance a units stats for a couple of turns allowing them to move super long distances. Withdrawal and side effects can be added if these drugs are 'over used'.

    There are lots of potential tactical elements to introducing at least some sort of real world specialization.

    And yea, I fully believe in rocket launching & machine gun toting medics & pilots too! There is no reason a medic cannot shoot just as good as another unit, but there is a reason a unit may not be able to Pilot or provide quality Medical Triage! So Yea!

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