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Posts posted by zvm

  1. Ive called the bank you can either get a debit card which I have but cant buy stuff online or a credit card which can be used to buy stuff online. For the credit card you need to show your payment forms which you get each month with a regular job which I cant get since Im a student. Its a hassle to say the least, banks in our country didnt really get with the times in 20 years we have capitalism here. Im blaming them for the recession.

  2. I also do not own credit card, yet when I heard about Xenonauts I created a PayPal account.

    Desura accepts PayPal payments so that could be your solution SolDivjne79.

    Just create PayPal account and transfer some funds into it via normal bank transfer.

    Then pay for the game on Desura using that account.

    I have the same issue as OP and sadly creating a PayPal account didnt solve the issue as my country doesnt support it (or it doesnt support my country idk its complicated).

    I would really like to support this game as the free demo was more fun to me than XCOM:EU and I think you guys are doing a wonderful job. Ive never played the original games so this has a very original appeal to me.

    Needless to say Im desparate and if anyone would like me to gift him a game roughly the same price as Xenonauts standard or premium package could he please pm me. Thanks.

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