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Comrade Mrki

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Posts posted by Comrade Mrki

  1. Thanks OP, I somehow missed that one. I cant believe games of my youth are getting revisited. Baldurs Gate, Planescape, Fallout 2 (especially) and UFO some years before that are the main reason I held on to my virginity till late teens.

    Now, they are remaking them, and yet again I am getting cockblocked by my own damned PC.

  2. [possible solution]

    I think I figured out what's the problem here. I tried recruiting about 20 soldiers to see if I can get to the bottom of this and I found there are several of them duplicated in the list. So, since I rename all my soldiers right away to my friends and family, I didn't notice this before.

    So for instance, I just started a new game, I didn't rename my base team, and on recruiting new ones (when you get the select option from the list of soldiers) I saw some of them (that I already have aboard) still available to be recruited. So I checked their stats and they are exact match. Basically, you can actually recruit the same soldier twice (even ones that you already have in your barracks), so, that is crashing the game. To avoid it, till its fixed, just take care with recruiting, and check their names before you do.

  3. I think I have found the reason for duplicated soldiers. It could be recruiting new ones. I tried it 2 times now, and every time when they are about to arrive some of my soldiers get duplicated and instead of being assigned to chinook-1, they have a training/chinook-99 in the dropdown menu in personnel tab, they get duplicated, and ctd is fast to come and entire game get corrupted.

    I will try different approach now, I will just recruit shitload of cannon fodder from start (since first batch I have recruited at day 1 didn't cause any problems), and build more space asap for future engi and scientists. I will keep you posted.

  4. Actually I am at September 29th atm bro, and since I have had a shitload of missions, and sold all the spoils of war, I have 2.9mil in my wallet, so I guess Oct 1st is not the issue here. Well, not in my case.

    I am trying to figure out have I done something extra special to cause this, and nothing come to mind :) Previous game I have managed to get to mid October before this problem occured.

  5. Started a new game, 3 bases, 1 month in, 3 terror sites, 16 missions, 90 downed ufos and on my way back from Bangkok one soldier got duplicated again and its constantly crashing. I think I will wait for beta. I know its alpha, but still, this is unplayable at this point. Any time I make any progress my game get corrupted and I have to start from scratch.

    Anyone have any clue can this be avoided?

  6. First of all, thanks for the awesome mod bro.

    Now to the questions... Is there a way to see aircraft stats somewhere? I mean, before we buy or build them. Speed, range, load-out, that kind of stuff.

    And which aircraft you guys prefer, and why?

    Edit: Found aircrafts.xml, so I got an answer for my first question :) Sorry, come to moding, I am as oblivious as a mountaing goat. Still quite happy to use em. Thanks for this awesomeness once again.

  7. Hey there boys and girls,

    In 1 in-game month I had 18 landing missions, and 92 downed ufos. I am building hangars 7-9 atm, because it is just impossible to keep up with those damned things.

    I play on Veteran diff, have everything researched, most of my guys are packing laser weapons and wolf armors, and so far game is pretty much walk in the park, haven't lost 1 soldier or aircraft so far. But the shear amount of alien craft is just insane.

    Anyone else having the same problem, or perhaps a tip? I am losing my mind here.

    And this is with 1 base only, with 3, in my last playthrough, I had 10 ufo packs in the air at day 15th, and could only affor 3-4 aircrafts atm.

    Thanks for your time.

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