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Posts posted by MasterArmadillo

  1. Hello yus all,

    Yust popped on to say I have my steam key and have activated the game on early access and you guys are doing a most spledid job so far, haven't put too many hours in yet just seeing whats available and whats new to me really, a big thumbs up from me in all areas of the game play so far.

    Thanks Chris and all of Goldhawk for this it appeals so much more than the fraxis game, I am so glad I joined in so early.

    Also supporting: Elite Dangerous and Arma III, nuts to morethegame(long story)

    Big hello to all who reside on this forum especially those of whome know the armadillo way...

  2. Looks like its going to get the funding, I'm very into elite one of the three old skool titles I still play along with x-com and ascendancy, up'd my pledge to £150 nutter that I am...

    Happy new year to all you guys, going to a party soon so will be a bit mashed laters

  3. You cant condone piracy, its theft, its stealing something that belongs to somebody else, if its ok to steal then whats yours is now mine so take it back if you dare.

    Do you work for nothing? do you spend your money on things that you dont care if somebody else takes from you without asking?

    Just because its advertised and you want it even if just to try it for a while and see if you want to spend money on it doesn't mean its ok to take it against the owners permission, if it was I'd be driving a sports car to see if it lives up to my dreams etc etc.

    Try taking the money from my wallet and see if you walk away, thats stealing as much as piracy is!

    If you download a peice of somebody elses work (corporate work or an individuals work) for free that you would normally have to pay for then you are just as much of a thief as somebody who holds up an old lady for her pension money.

    Taking things that dont belong to you makes everybody else pay for what you have taken, if I see you on the street and if I knew who you were I would want all that money I've spent on anti piracy software back from you, I would also take all the time I have wasted on these anti piracy measures from your life as you are personally responsable.

    But thats not the end of it, what about the monies everybody has to pay to police this theft however inadequately and its all down to your greed thinking you have the right to take.

    If you cant afford to have something you want then work harder to get it dont just take it, maybe someday somebody will take something of yours and you'll feel pretty angry about it, well if that happens you have a glimps of what you are doing by stealing other peoples hard work!

    Lets say you want the new game 'Take it like the crook I am' but its $50 and you cant afford $50 on a game when you have to pay for food and other essential life giving things, you justify your theft by saying the company that made it makes millions and its not that good anyway so why should I pay for it, they advertised it to be the mutts nutz but in my book it was only worth 10 bucks why should they charge me $50 when its only worth $10?

    The answer is simple, you dont have what you cant afford!

    The owner wants 50 but you think its only worth 10: so dont get it! would you buy a $10 car for $50 or would you just steal it?

    It's not yours so dont take it! if there was justice you'd be in the clink instead of spreading your evil ways. I'd just chop your fkin hands off and save the public the expence of feeding and housing you away from normal society but thats just the way I roll.

  4. This was news to me today but it will see starwars 7, 8 and 9 all planned but only 7 being in production at the moment, the sale of lucas arts includes the full portfolio thus including industrial light and magic as well as indiana jones etc etc, its big and as a massive starwars fan can only be good news for me!

    Personally thinking if you liked the first three films but didn't like the three set before then you missed the point, starwars a new hope was only ever a middle part to a much larger story, the most easily self contained movie to make from the story he originally thought up and while he wanted to take his vision much further he accomplished all the things he originally wanted to do even if he didn't complete the saga.

    I my book starwars couldn't have fallen into better hands and I think thats why george sold it, apart from the 4.05billion that is, and I doubt he will leave Disney entirely to their own devices to create the extended story as I believe he will be a consultant or at least consulted on future productions.

    Dont think he included the Skywalker ranch tho and I think leia might now be able to look in the mirror without paying royalties etc etc so it's all good, I also dont think Mark Hammel will be in another starwars movie but then again I didn't think he ever would...

  5. If you miss turn-based strategy, like MoO2.. we would like to present You our project: an old school turn-based space stretegy - "M.O.R.E." The game is based on "Master of Orion 2" and will have:
    • 3D turn-based spacebattles,

    • 3D galaxy map,

    • 20 races,

    • technology tree with dedicated tech branch to every race

    • spaceships created from predefined blocks by player

    • over 10h of epic music,

    • cutscenes

    • and many many more of unique features! (like Dyson Spheres)

    For more information, I invite you to visit our project website on kickstarter:


    We have over 75% now and we have still 28 more days to go, but we need your support! And our community needs Your support! If You can help us - we will appreciate this.

    Thank You

    Marcin - IdeaLcenter Team

    Shame really I only just watched the youtube and it put me reet off, sorry but that looks poo! was hoping it was an ascendancy clone but looks like a homeworld drop out, keep trying you might get there in the end. never was a Master of Orion fan not my flavor I suppose.


    Armadillo's dont like spam guess thats it...

    EDIT 2:

    Even armadillo's know its a 'Super Massive Black Hole' not a Gigantic one, are you all teenagers or summit, maybe I'll post this on your site too and get flamed myself.

    EDIT 3:

    The Dyson theory, I know the dyson theory and its more of an artist/mathmatician theory than an implementable object, it's a game alright but even star trek and starwars ideas are infinately more realistic, if you cant get a your head round a super massive black hole then whats a dyson sphere doing in your game, why not put a super star destoryer in there too? or maybe an armadillo shaped wookie? Dyson was way off with his calculations of power consumption or maybe as a mathmatician he couldn't grasp physics (my strong point, certainly not spelling)

    Sorry for EDIT 4:

    EDIT 4:

    3D turn based spacebattles (thats going to be good considering you dont have a clue about space)

    3D galaxy map (very 90's)

    20 races (very limited, there are more on our planet) Additional: there are 20 races in formula 1 this year lol

    Technology tree with dedicated tech branch to every race (only a branch, considering you lack of knowlage I suppose this seems quite good)

    Spaceships created from predefined blocks by player (predefined blocks huh, sounds oh so blocky, should have considered how to elaberate this to the customer a bit before bragging)

    Over 10h of epic music (fits onto a thumnail sized storage card with masses of unused space, what defines 'epic')

    Cutscenes (I would rather not)

    And many many more of unique features! (like Dyson Spheres) - LOL falling about laughing my ass off, bet there are no armadillo's and maybe should have put Dyson vacuum cleaners in instead

    Best of luck tho, I would never wish anybody bad fortune.

    EDIT 5: Reet, thats it, I'm going in and stating this on the M.O.R.E. site, cant stand bad physics and spamming a crap youtube on other forums, I'm not doing this for Xenonauts tho this is for human and armadillo kind, if you dont know shit about space dont make a space game.

  6. Keep this thread going haven't had so much giggling going on in my computer room for years, Threejumps you are amazing (not easily impressed) can you do a personal request xenonauts art? tho not summit off topic...

    Its a tricky one so here goes: armadillo driving new mustang away from attacking ufo blasting plasma bolts but smoking a joint singing she'll be comin round the mountain, along a desert road!

    Do that and I'll drop this armadillo shit... (probably print it off and stick it on my wall)


    I might even you let guys into why I'm so into armadillo's - its a long shot and rather personal (not depraved in any way) but between me and me mates...

  7. I got this email today from the Logic Factory, they admit a sequel to Ascendancy, have a look:

    Yes mate I got that e-mail aswell, I have already e-mailed them back suggesting they take the kickstart route even tho they state they dont like the idea, I stated that I have backed the xenonauts project and would be one of the first to jump on theirs if they changed their minds.

    Dont have an iPhone or any other IOS device as I'm an android fanarmadillo (Armadroid as I like to call it) and have already converted me mates to droid based devices...

    Ya brother kenny.jpg

    NOOOOOOOOO! they killed my brother Kenny, they'll pay for that!

    Ya brother kenny.jpg


  8. Thanks Aaron,

    I use lightwave as a hobbyist for 3d modeling and rendering because I had Imagine on my ole amiga from a magazine cover disk and a friend said why dont you try this (Lightwave 3D) and I was hooked, its very interesting to read how a pro can produce a specific set of tiles especialy as you use my favorite tool 'extrude'

    Nice work on the tiles so far I am looking forward to seeing them all in the final release.

  9. I said I had the box. not the actual game :P the box contains the manual and for some reason the manual for sim tower + an empty floppy disk.

    no worries mate should have seen the signs, enthusiastic armadillo that I am...

    PS. drunken armadillos cant spell for , well lets say they cant spell reet so if in my drunken state I spell summet wrong tough... cant spell when sober either

  10. I got the box for ascendency right in front of me, but I've never played it.

    Give it a go, it starts off quite quick as weeks go by at the click of a button, once you have 10-20 planets that your manually building up the days get longer.

    Make sure you patch the AI as the vanilla version is way to easy, also try not to pick the lizzard people as it will fast track you throught the research tree and spoil future replays, its tiny and requires dosbox to get it working on win 2000 upwards.

    You might not like it but then again we might not see you for weeks if you get hooked (well maybe not weeks)

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