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Posts posted by Damhoof

  1. Just a question, but would you not find it as off-putting to be looking at the map, listening to the sound of off-vision, combat, footsteps and whatnot and not see anything more than you would have when looking at the hidden movement screen?

    No. Because at least then I can watch my guys being safe rather than get some pretty beautiful artwork hiding what is going on in the fog of war. It just disturbs me greatly to hear people dying and not at least see the field of battle. Suddenly being popped out of the situation at hand to look at a picture takes away from this notion of a continuous battle.

    Ah. Analogy time. Its like playing a game with your friends, only to have a blindfold put on you for a minute every five minutes which robs you of sight, and lets you hear the sound of other people playing.

    At least to me it removes me from the events i can control (Moving my soldiers and vehicle around) and puts me in a place I know that I can`t control (Hidden movement screen).

  2. I just wondered if there is a way to remove or toggle away the hidden movement picture. I just find that it puts me off to hear sounds of combat and not see my guys. It takes my attention away from the combat scenario.

    There is also a minor issue to me that soldiers would go into battle without at least knowing the lay of the land, and i find myself sending guys to the edge of the map instead of going to points of more interest.

    Could there be a fog of war that was not so black and dense? At least for the lower difficulty settings would be nice. While i realize that its a departure from the standard or classic xcom esque scenario these things do detract from my experience and i don`t think either of these things would be hard to implement as optional features.

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