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Toonami Fan

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Posts posted by Toonami Fan

  1. Well, I hope that the 2nd part of these missions does allow the chance of getting fired on as soon as you step within the UFO and leave the deployment zone (a portion of the outside part of the map?). Enemies should spawn anywhere in the ship so don't make the very first room a "safe" one. I am probably not making any sense here.

  2. I have to agree with the ship breaches being an important part of the suspense in these games. You never know what exactly is behind that door. And sometimes the aliens can even come out of that door and shoot you in the face. It would be a shame if you had to drop that.

    If the two-parter missions can be switched from outside to inside at will, this wouldn't be so bad. Otherwise, it's just two levels crammed into one. It might be better to just make the UFO interiors more simple and/or unilevel.

  3. Sometimes the aliens are there but you can't see or aim at them at all. In that case, just start blowing up the alien ship inch by inch with C4, rockets, and grenades (in decreasing order of effectiveness). I have heard alien death screams but no body appears, no alien was ever seen, and no soldier could target them.

    It doesn't even have to be in the alien ship. Aliens like to spawn in file cabinets and get stuck there. Just bring the whole adjacent wall down with a rocket if you can't target them directly. Although, I have only seen invisible stuck aliens in the alien ship itself, not in the rest of the map.

  4. If Chryssalids were invading, sure. But the other alien species (less than 30 members in any mission) don't warrant nukes surely. Instead of nukes, the old X-COM method of just failing a terror mission is better in the sense, no body knows what the local military had to do to get the invasion under control. But the people are pissed at you and that means less money. For Xenonauts, you could put up a dialog box with a picture of civilians fleeing aliens, being all terrorized and what not, and words to show you failed. Just to make sure you really understand how much you screwed up.

    The current text about thousands dying by nukes is ok but very dry and doesn't make a lot of sense. A graphic aid and dropping the nukes would help atmosphere and make it more open-ended/believable.

    [My 2 cents]

  5. I always bring a rocket launcher for this part. Spent nearly 30 minutes combing a map with no aliens in sight. Decided to randomly start blasting the inside walls of the control room with rockets and grenades. Worked after 3 shots and mission was over.

    About the sole alien hiding in a closet on the 2nd floor of a building, the best solution would be to make the AI have the alien actively move around when there are no other aliens left. It doesn't matter if the alien is actively hunting the humans or just hiding, but as long as he's moving around in a meaningful way, we can find him that much quicker. Seems more elegant than leaving aliens alive in terror missions.

    *First Post Ever*

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