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Dr White, Psyker.

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Posts posted by Dr White, Psyker.

  1. Anyone whos seen my other-posts will know that I've been having quite my fair share of mad adventures in this game so I figured I'd share a few of my stupidest (and most awesome) moments:

    Meet Nathan Explosion: One time, for kicks, I gave one of my men nothing but nades. A few flash, A couple smoke and a shit ton of frags. And I sent him running, head first, as a scout into UFO's. He got something like 15 kills to his name. With only nades. total badass. I promptly renamed him to 'Nathan Explosion' when I realised he need a name other than 'scrub 12'. He's still alive (wounded for 20 or so days, actually).

    I AIN'T GOT TIME TO BLEED: a rough battle had left me with 4 men out of 10. A couple of Heavy Plasma aliens were picking at my remaining guys. Cue Bloke-McGovna (That's actually what I named him) getting shot. He starts bleeding, Panics, and fires a sniper shot past my HMG officer, killing an heavy-plasma alien standing outside. Thanks to him, My HMG wasnt turned into toast and I was able save the rest of the team.

    Might makes light... and I feel mighty!: My snipers have the uncanny ability to be able to pick off targets far out of their normal sight range. 'Mr. SnipperWiffle', currently my most accurate sniper, can safely 95% a target at almost 3 times his sight range if someone else is spotting for him. Groovy. That just begs the question; how the hell can someone spot for a sniper like that? What, Is the spotter yelling out 'Oh, a Little to the left... up a bit... FIRE!'.

    And for that matter, why the hell do the xenonauts feel like its a good idea to litter area's with smoke machines prior to missions? ;)

    Someone open a can of Worms?: For shits and giggles, my current secondary squad is operating in what I call 'worms mode'. Rockets and grenades only! Its turning out pretty good. I have low Xenonaut death count so long as I go slowly but I do tend to get 'accidental' civie kills. Still, The set-up works a hell of a lot better than the MG only squad and way WAY better than the shotgun only squad.

    Anyone else got any cool stories?

  2. Hmm. I'm getting a similar issue. I keep getting told I dont have enough money to page the wages yet the game does nothing to punish me for it.

    Also, I'm on poor relations with most of the world yet I manage to keep my estimated monthly income going /up/.

  3. You never used mule troops in other xcom-like games? Hell, its one of the best ways to max out you fire-power.

    -Give all your blokes high-power weapons with low ammo to save on weight.

    -Give one strong asshat tons of ammo and an 'okay' weapon.

    So you end up with a team of powerful weapons and one weak one rather than a team of weaker weapons with one big one.

  4. I have quite a good story compared to all these horrifying misses. STORY TIME!

    I was having a rather bad battle. Most of my squad had their asses handed to them right out of chopper and the rest were scattered over whatever cover I could reach. Two of my blokes, my best rifle-grunts, were been pinned down behind a fence. Everyone was out of TU's barring one guy. One fucking guy...

    My rocketeer.

    I had a 7% chance rocket shot going between my two men at some alien bloke with a heavy plasma. That alien had already freaking eaten my scout tank (without any milk) and had stomped two of me best shooty boyz during the dropsite slaughter. I was royally screwed if I didn't land the shot...




    The rocket goes straight between my riflemen, smashes into the alien thingy-a-mah-bob's face, blows it to kingdom come and kills TWO of its buddies who I didn't even see behind cover. Suddenly victory screen.

    Needless to say - This rocket-trooper has gotten all my best gear since.

  5. Now, I'm not one to sneak-peak at assets (I like surprises) but I was just wondering what the styling of the heavier armours types be?

    I kind of liked the original XCOM's approach of 'fecking huge scrap exoskeleton'. It really looked like the research team had just desperately put together a suit using alien tech then stapled a couple tons of armour onto it. The kind of 'is it a walking tank yet?' approach is what I'd expect for a ultra-heavy armour type.

    On the overhand however, The new Xcom:EU's heavy end-game armour just looks like bulkier 'sci-fi tacticool' version of the default armour. While I guess this is more realistic, Frankly, I thought that game would have gone for something like 40k terminator armour for its bullet-sponge armour tier. And considering how bulky and brute-forcey everything else was, It would have fit with the setting just as well.

    I've reached Xenonauts second (third if you count not wearing any armour) tier armour and I think, for what its supposed to be, it looks very fitting. The extra-vision helmet was a real plus and it made me feel like the Xenonaut research-team as really thinking about what the troops needed most in the field. At-least they didn't send them all out in freaking cloth jumpsuits to begin. I'm just hoping later on there is more of a split in armour types to match roles and it doesn't end up looking like 'TACICOOL-POWASUIT WIT XTRA AMROUZ'.

    Also, on a slightly related note: I REALLY hope the scout-cars get some new armour options too. Maybe a boosted armour version? I'm getting a little bored with its standard cardboard armour plating.

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