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Posts posted by Scriptwolf

  1. Thank you for the help :) I'm sorry if my first post was a bit of a rant but for once I was doing well in a x con game hehe :P but I mean it did seem just really bazaar that all I was seeing for 30-hour was just these fighter craft which then drove me to bankruptcy :P

    And you don't need to tell me it's a alpha, if you check my user name I play loads of alpha games. Zomboid, dwarf fortress ( skin melting rain that was a annoying bug ) dayz and a few others, I know to appreciate its a alpha But I thought balancing would have been sorted some what but I will do what you said changing it so thank you for the help.

    Sorry about the rant.

  2. i have been playing the game a lot now since i bought it last night and i don't regret buying it one bit and glad i have.

    there was one annoying part where i managed to ambush a guy with a shotgun point blank range not even a tile between us i shoot with the shotgun and the alien is still standing... i mean come on i was point blank range and i doubt at the very start of the game aliens have shields and that malarkey

    and what really fucked me off was i got to a point on my iron man game where i had done a load of missions and and 2 Sgt.s doing well really enjoying the game then the game goes fuck you and just only sent fighters, no scouts or other classes JUST fighters with loads 2 escorts i got this for 30 before i rage quit i mean come on i did not even get a ground mission for 30 minutes and then spent all my money on more planes to combat the fighters, i don't see why i was just getting fighter alien ships all the i mean none stop just them constantly :(

    apart from that i love the game and cant wait to see how this turns out im expecting really great things !

  3. sorry, this have probably been asked a lot, but is there any other way to buy/pre-order, im not to keen on desura and would prefer to get a steam key when the time comes but i would really like to buy now and start playing the beta

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