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Posts posted by Ranger33

  1. Oh, and on the mission where you're forced to get a guy up on the roof, after the aliens have destroyed his cover, I try to lob a grenade down off the roof, mostly blind firing. And I'm not allowed to. But not only that, again, I'm not allowed to cancel that action, or do anything at all after that. I have to Ctrl-Shift-Esc to bring up the Task Manager and kill the game. Every time.


    Are you saying you click to activate the grenade aiming thing, and then you can't go back? You should be able to just hit escape or Mouse2 or hit one of the numbers for a different ability and it will switch over. You might have some kind of bug. Did you mess with the control settings?

    As far as throwing grenades off a roof, I've done it several times. Might be something to do with it being a tutorial level and trying to lock you out of something or the other. I know there are several bugs where people get stuck in the tutorial and can't do anything in the strategic layer.

  2. In regards to the discussion on prices: All of this is beside the point, when you consider that XCOM is the world's last, best hope to fight off alien invasion, but they have to do it with limited funding and resources, despite every major nation in the world supporting the project at the beginning.

  3. The research descriptions for the Thin Men clearly talk about them being reptilian in nature, plus you can see the scales on their neck. I'm pretty sure this is a reference to "Reptilians" secretly running the world and all that, as they are also repeatedly mentioned as being the "infiltration" unit of the XCOM invaders.

    They released a patch today, I haven't found an official post but someone put this on reddit:

    We wanted to let you know the details for the PC update for XCOM: Enemy Unknown that went live today (10/11/12). I've included the notes on this patch below:

    Various visibility/hiding optimizations

    Multiplayer text chat support (press J to activate)

    Mouse button 4/5 will switch soldiers in the Barracks

    ESC hides the movement grid, if you do not want to commit to a move while it is activated

    Squad Sight ability optimization

    Fixed issue when equipping two grenades with Deep Pockets.

    Fixed Rapid Fire sometimes consuming too much ammo.

    SHIVs that are damaged will no longer become unusable.

    Fixed some hangs/soft crashes in tactical combat.

    Replaced software cursor with the operating system cursor to reduce lag and framerate dependence.

    Fixed rendering bug which causes some soldier’s hair to appear as if it is rendering on top of environment fog.

    1080p movies are now used at all times on the PC.

    So plenty of stuff fixed that has been mentioned, though there is probably a lot that still needs to be cleaned up and tweaked. My favorite there is fixing the soldiers hair not matching foggy maps, such a small thing but it looked so weird.

    My Normal Ironman game is going swimmingly, I've only lost one high ranked soldier the whole game, and that was in the alien base raid. I don't even want to think about how that mission will go on Classic. Got a big exam this evening, after that I will probably play non-stop until I finish the campaign. Then the real game begins (Classic Ironman).

  4. I have enough stress in my life right now without trying to beat this game on Classic IM, decided to switch to normal IM after getting my best squads wiped multiple times. Normal, even on IM is so much easier. I'm overflowing with money and ranked up soldiers a couple of hours. I just look at it as an extended tutorial and a chance to see all the abilities and everything. It's certainly not as fulfilling, but it's still a lot of fun. I've only lost like 4 people after many missions.

    I'm really digging the variety of maps and occasional special missions. I've seen subways, construction sites, warehouses, streets running with water, fast food joints, a bridge, an observatory, forests, swamps, and on and on. Good stuff.

  5. Played for a bit, the tutorial missions really hold your hand through all of the game elements (research, base building, manufacturing, etc), you have to build what they want you to build and such, but the missions immediately ramp up in difficulty and let you take full control. I think once I get through all the tutorial stuff I will start over with the tutorial off just so everything will be totally open from the get go.

    Playing on Classic Ironman and I've already lost 6-7 soldiers in just a handful of missions. Some may not like having the limited number of soldiers, and limited amount of grenades/medpacks/etc, but it really makes every decision matter. Do I move back to better cover or take this shot? Use my grenade now or save it? Stay here in poor cover or risk making a run for that stone wall? It's great.

  6. Red Orchestra 2 has a pretty friendly community, as long as you don't take up one of the specialist roles (commander, engineer, tank driver) and then not know what to do. Sometimes people get a bit snarky on the mic, picking fights with the other team, but you can mute them or join in on the inane arguments.

    CS:GO if you play casual servers is plenty of fun, on competitive a certain level of competence is expected since it's just 5v5. L4D2 is usually okay, though sometimes you will get on a team of elitist guys who expect you to know every single little trick on every map.

  7. I won't mind if a given campaign is a bit shorter than the original. Like others said, you reached a point where it was rather tedious to fight at every single opportunity. I think a slightly more structured campaign with a tighter focus is not a bad thing. Plus there is the marathon mode and other "second wave" options that make the game more difficult in a variety of ways, besides just upping the damage.

  8. I think it's a pretty terrible demo, from everything I've read and watched, it doesn't convey what the full game is like at all. They should have done something like the Xenonauts alpha. Let you play freely but only up to a certain tech level, with just a couple of maps. Then you could at least get the sense of leveling up soldiers and researching stuff. For a 5 GB download, I expected more than a tutorial and one tiny level set on easy.

    Controls and camera felt a bit off, but other than that I loved getting my hands on the game. I did find that turning off the action cam and over-the-shoulder view changed the feel of things for the better. Less actiony, more X-COM-y. The move+combat system is great IMO. You have to make a hard choice every turn: Do I use my special ability now or save it? Do I scout ahead or go into overwatch? With the reduced number of soldiers in the field, each decision carries more weight. Visuals are great, clean and polished, which is what I like about Xenonauts as well. I'm not sure what the people complaining want. Super gritty? Silly hair and gray jumpsuits?

    At the end of the day, I'll just be enjoying Xenonauts and XCOM, best of both worlds.

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