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Posts posted by Tericc

  1. I would like to see side stepping. Be more realistic, perhaps a greater cost to tu but I can see it taking some of the oh crap whats around the corner feeling.. will i get insta face melted by reaction. (not that U couldn't with side stepping but would take out some of that unkown feeling) But it would make your soldiers feel more "military" rather then waltzing around the corner.

  2. Any new tech you see today had been invented 30 years ago. That new video card your using all brand spanking new.. there already been 8 video cards invented to replace that one. They will be individually issued to the public market when the most profit can be made.

    That Chinook in game is the one you know of in 2006. That "modern" special forces transportation info released in 2006 had already been replaced at least 3 to 4 times :P

  3. Aye I second the increase of $ as well(or balance the amount of money that's actually needed). Especially if "repetitive" crash raiding is trying to be reduced. Can barley even afford a second base let alone arm it with some protective infantry & interceptors.

    Also noticing with the heavy lack of finances Im skipping a lot in the game. Either I don't bother with vehicles or don't even look at laser weapons or both cause i need my corsairs or second base to deal with the Heavy fighters or otherwise.

    Now i don't mind taking my time and planing stuff out making sure i balance quality over what is needed now but the game rushes you to the point where you either skip an entire tree/s or die.

    Such an ultimatum feels very linear in a sandbox kind of game.

  4. As far as we understand our planet we enjoy the benefits of habitable eco-systems, fresh water, and a means to produce foods. These things would be the most likely reason for an alien invasion.

    I’d argue that if it’s just about resources, an alien race probably wouldn’t bother pillaging Earth. As we know by now, the galaxy is teeming in worlds to exploit, and many in our cosmic neighborhood will contain similar materials to Earth. There are far easier pickings out there rather than landing on a planet filled with a civilization that takes great pride in building big weapons that could hinder attempts at mining the planet.

    Globally there are now approximately 23,000 nuclear warheads.

    Between 1945 and 1990, more than 70,000 total warheads were developed, in over 65 different varieties, ranging in yield from around .01 kilotons (such as the man-portable Davy Crockett shell) to the 25 megaton B41 bomb.

    The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessary solving of an existing one. ~Einstein

    I personally believe the aliens want to use the one resource on earth that is more rare then anything they have. Then "enemy" wants to help us by convincing us to join them or enslavement by attrition. Otherwise if a space fairing civilization has any common sense they would be better off dropping an anti-matter bomb and just glass the planet rather then use brute force for some iron and nickle.

    Half if not all their troops are cloned and would most likely suffer from cloning degradation. Perhaps they are advanced enough to stop/repair this and perhaps that measure involves us.

    Taking this concept farther, why would the aliens have any interest in preventing inadvertent human extinction by excessive in-atmosphere antimatter bomb use? After all, they obviously place low value on human life if they don’t mind throwing us into a costly war. One intriguing possibility is that perhaps the invaders have no qualms about destroying humanity, but fear punishment from a third-party species or being noticed by a third-party species. Bringing out their big guns (mass invasion, orbital strikes, Antimatter bombs) would Identify their presence.. not just to us but to other parties where the aliens we know are competing against. We are their trump card one way or another.

  5. Either it has and desura is being is typical self or an update has something wrong with it. Currently this update is saying 12hrs 12min ago and there is another on the list a bit further down (same patch) saying 11hrs and 57min ago. give or take a min when you look at it

    odd is the word here.

    Edit: What Tssha said makes sense

  6. In any X-com related (similar if not) game I always like to generalize some of the soldiers but despite what ever I make I always have to have a Hudson

    Just dose not feel like a science fiction horror game without its mascot :D

    If your one of the group from the olden days or new to the genera what character do you always find yourself remaking every time you play.

  7. I cant play dwarf fortress anymore.. Once upon a time I got somewhere in it and actually built something nice. Then I stopped playing for a bit. Tried to pick it up and I couldn't remember how to even change my view so I can see what is below ground let alone do anything beyond digging. That game is to confusing.

    Loved it yet hated it. If I could get past the user unfriendliness I would have done a lot more.

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