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Posts posted by Lt_Parsons

  1. It seems that on night missions aliens benefit from light sources and flares as much, as our own soldiers, which is good feature.

    Logically, it would be useful to know if someone is standing near thrown flare or some lamplight. But right now there is no way to distinguish natural light from fov light circle around your troops.

    So suggestion - some sort of ui toggle button to temporarily disable light around soldiers.

    Or as a variant toggle to not disable it completely but reduce its intensity or change its color to red or something else.

  2. Xeno troops:

    - jackal / rifle - missing "crouchsingleshoot_w" and "crouchburstshoot_nw" sprites

    - jackal / none - missing "death_e" sprite

    - basic / machinegun - missing "crouchburstshoot_nw" sprite

    - basic / shotgun - missing "crouchsingleshoot_sw" sprite

    - basic or jackal / crouch grenade throw (any) - seems to be using old mismatched sprites from "assets/units/xenonaut/none"

    Farm tileset:

    - red civilian farmer - has 1 wrong death animation (he looks like blue farmer)

    Middle east tileset:

    - AK47 friendly - has misnamed "idle_w" sprite

    Industrial tileset:

    - friendly with laser pistol - has misnamed "idle_w" sprite

    - "Barrier_SE" tile - look normal but has wrong cover direction properties

    Bonus xeno troops sprites (didn't knew these spritesets exist, thanks):

    - basic / shotgun - missing "burstshoot_e", "crouchburstshoot_se", "crouchburstshoot_sw" sprites

    - jackal / pistol - missing "crouchburstshoot_nw" sprite

  3. Can confirm this.

    Crashed scout mission. I closed up to the ship, saw 1 last sebilian inside main hold. He saw my troops, opened doors to reactor compartment and escaped inside. I carefully go after him, best people, stun grenades, wait turn for smoke to dissipate. Few steps to reactor and only to discover empty room and plasma shot trough the wall while not being able to shoot back, because this annoying alien somehow can walk where he shouldn't to. Only on next turn my troops discovered where he was, he wasn't visible before.

    Screen - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0cKXPpo9NNxbUFLOU9vYWF6MU0/edit?usp=sharing

    Save - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0cKXPpo9NNxT2EzUVBzSk11bEk/edit?usp=sharing

  4. Can confirm but not reproduce this bug.

    One thing was common to all such lockups to me - all happened right after some alien fired at something from out of my troops fov.


    I managed to create a save where this bug is reproducible - here (for v18 hotfix1).

    How to reproduce - just load and end turn. Alien will shoot and game lock up right after that.

    Some things to note - he seems shoot at (and see) my troops through all obstacles and misses do not leave scorched ground tiles.

  5. Encountered invisible civilian again in v18 on ground missions (light scout and scout crash sites in desert, town and arctic maps).

    But this time one such encounter was different - normal civilian somewhere in the first turns (second or third i think) during his move phase ran around, stopped and disappeared - became "ghost". Mission was arctic light scout crash, right before disappearing move some alien tried to shoot him from afar and missed.

  6. Hi, Chris.

    Yes, i cutted it out of existing AK art from alternate soviet weapon folder and improvised and tweaked what didn't matched photos of real one.

    Cannot say that i be able to do good art from scratch, however - i'm just hobby photographer myself, not painter.

  7. Hello everyone.

    Since we got Soviet weapons and alternative shortened M16 sprites, i thought - why not make some more and did AKS-74U carbine and ammo inventory sprites out of AK-47 that we already have and ammo sprite for AK-47 itself.

    Carbine sprite sized to fit 4x2 slots.

    According to Wiki, this shortened AK's started being produced in 1979 and were used in Afghanistan conflict, so if we have soldiers with such background, why not have weapons too.

    AKS-74U - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0cKXPpo9NNxeVFTZ0hRdDh1TXM

    AK-74 ammo - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0cKXPpo9NNxVnhvX25EUjVGZHM

    AK-47 ammo - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0cKXPpo9NNxNnRtWjd3Z0JvME0

    Zip is here - https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0cKXPpo9NNxRGpxRFMzanp1aGc

    If someone know where to get good sounds for this and maybe other weapons, please tell.

    Have fun =)

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