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Posts posted by Bofferbrauer

  1. It’s probably because we British use both imperial and metric here. So it’s not that strange to see both types as we are used to seeing it. For example we would use metric cm and meters for small measurements but we use miles for large distance. in fact if you told someone here something was 5km away, you probably be asked how far was that in miles. yet if you told someone something was 14 inches, you be asked how many cm that was.

    We are a strange nation.

    Since the game is based on (Pseudo-)Science, and Scientists use metric systems (it's even based on the metric System), so I suggest using the metric system.

    however, for people not used to the metric system, there might be some need for a possibility to change between metric and imperial systems

  2. Latest Version (don't recall the number ;)), same problem. And it happened on a shot down alien scout recovery Mission. Happened again after reloading. Since it happened after I reloaded that mission, which was a succes but I lost 2 of my men in the process (which I wasn't willing to loose) but the scoring was ok by then. Maybe it just got triggered by the reloading of that mission

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