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Posts posted by joebill

  1. Man I don't know what build y'all are using. I can put my squaddies on RF and they do it, I think. I don't actually remember, with the AI as static as it is, I don't need RF very often. But I can set every small arm to it, but not the MG or Rocket Launcher.

    But seriously the point of an MG is that it weighs a crapton, but gives in proportion. They're too heavy and the ammo is too hard to carry for everybody to have one, but the act of firing it isn't any different from the rifle.

    If it's too self sufficient, just up the weight a little and double the size of the ammo boxes (to 2x2) so that they take up a lot of room in the gunner's inventory. Maybe up the weight of the ammo too.

    It just feels weird knowing that if I don't leave somebody to babysit him, anything can come around a corner and whack him. That makes perfect sense for the bazooka (it's hard to aim, and you don't want to waste the rounds), but a machine gun is just a really big assault rifle.

    Unrelatedly - does the medkit do anything yet?

  2. Has reaction fire not been implemented for everything, or are some of the bigger weapons just not going to have it?

    I mean it strikes me as odd that the machine guns can't reaction fire. Frankly I've stopped using them, because they're useless unless your enemy survives long enough to bring the MG around to a good firing position, and by then I usually have put it down with the rifles. I can understand this for the rocket launcher, and even the big MG's on the armored car, but MG's are designed for "watch this stretch of road and shoot anything that isn't friendly."

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