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Posts posted by ezryder

  1. This is hard to reproduce, but I managed to get this today on the first UFO encounter.

    1st UFO air combat encounter

    while paused;

    - turned off auto-fire on both sidewinders

    - set course directly towards UFO

    unpaused game

    Just as UFO came into machine gun cone (and my fighter into UFO's attack cone) I rolled right (E key) AND clicked the first sidewinder to fire it.

    While I was rolling left, the UFO fired, my fighter fired it's machine gun, and just when the roll finished the game crashed.

    Might be because the UFO was no longer in the missile cone of attack, or at the very edge. It was definitely out of the machine gun's cone.

    This was the first encounter so I hadn't saved yet.

  2. Ezryder - I'd rather you didn't mod the high level aircraft into the game. They're not there because they're not meant to be in the alpha rather than because they're not in the dev version of the game.

    Understood. I'm content with the current state of the Alpha, was just looking at how much I could learn/teach myself about the modding. :)

  3. I did manage to get 5 weapons by overlapping the cannon and one of the sidewinder slots. Problem is you can't change the load out (i.e. change the ballistic cannon for a laser cannon) or you lose the hidden extra slot. Also in air combat the cannon covers the 2 top missiles (sidewinders), so there's no way to hold fire on those. But it does fire 2 missiles, so they're under there. Somewhere. :)

    Instead of staying with that, I went to a 4 missile setup on the Mig (2 normal slots on the wing tips, 2 heavy slots close tot he fuselage) and bumped the armor by 5 points and set CanEvade to 1. :)

  4. I'm trying to change the layout of the weapons on the Mig31.

    First, I want to shuffle the missile hardpoints back to the wing areas and add a cannon to the nose.

    Second I want to have the wing tip mounts only have light missiles, and heavy missile mounts closer to the fuselage.

    I fiddled with the XML which yielded some success, but do I have to mod lua files to move/add graphics and mount points on an aircraft?

  5. Probably more of a balance issue, but posting just to make sure it is known. :)

    Easy difficulty, Day 15 of the first month and I have multiple UFO sightings at a time (3-5 UFOs within a few game minutes or hours of each UFO being detected) and my F-17's can't catch the UFOs. Then there will be no sightings for a day, then another swarm of UFOs.

    The first 5 or so days of the game I get one or two UFOs and my F-17's can catch and down the light scouts and scouts. But before the first month is even out I am discovering I need to have Mig-32's to be able to even catch up to UFOs. That's a pretty steep difficulty increase for just the first month (building Mig-32s on initial funding + any scrap gotten from ground missions). :)

    I'm finding the difficulty has ramped up considerably in this version compared to V10.

  6. Just adding my 2 credits that this CTD has happened to me as well.

    Night mission, I had an M-16 grunt spot the alien (grey, was in darkness) and crouch, then my sniper fired a shot (maxed out APs), shot traveled to the grey, stopped at alien for a few seconds, then CTD.

    Windows 7 64bit, Core2 Quad (Q9400@2.67Ghz), 4GB RAM, ATI HD 5850 w/1GB (latest drivers via Steam update; Driver Packaging Version 8.961-120405a-137224C-ATI


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