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Posts posted by ditoLoco

  1. I had a good time with a game and tactical fights till i realized that AI is not yet working much ...

    When the UFO lands and you have a mission basically all the enemies rush to you which makes dismissing them very easy. Than its just a walk to the ship (on small maps).

    In general, once you have decent armour there is not much challenge in a game. Enemies dont ambush, dont coordinate attacks, doesnt use the building nor much of a cover....


    Is working on AI in plans? 


  2. In the beginning the doors to get to UFO were pain in the butt. My soldier would open the door and than he will meet various enemies all in overwatch position. Moving out or shooting and the soldier was dead.

    Than I discovered a cheesy tactic - one soldier opens the door, and the second one shoots. Than the first soldier closes the door, the second one moves out, and the third moves into his place. Than the first soldier opens the door, the third one shoots, the door are closed and third one moves out to make a place for the fourth one. This opening and closing of the doors makes storming the enemy base/ship a piece of cake. 

    Suggestion - either to make the door as grenades - that after activating they will open/close only at the end of the turn; or to make the door automatically open when the soldier is in front of them ...



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  3. I have played two game months, have one ground fight and waaay too much air fights

    (i build quickly second base) so right now it is hard to go one day without a message about UFO or without a fight,

    if proportion between ground fight and air battle is like 1:50 it is very tedious

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