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Posts posted by PetteriB

  1. Is it possible to have 2 pistols and benefit from that (i.e lower TUs cost compared to firing one pistol, or 2 bullets per shot?)

    It's not possible to fire both pistols simultaneously and the TU costs stay the same. The only benefit from dual-wielding pistols is that instead of reloading, you can just start using the second gun once the first one has ran out of ammo.

    Bonus question, is it somehow cheating to have all soldiers start with a shield in hand, weapon in backpack and then drop the shield as spare in the chinhook? Is it worth it?

    I think that's just a clever way of getting around the limitation that you can't load extra equipment into your transport craft. I do it all the time when I'm assaulting alien bases. I just cram everyone's backpack full of extra magazines, grenades, rockets etc. and then drop them at the entrance during the first turn.

  2. I had this same thing happen when I was assaulting a downed Cruiser. I fired a stun rocket into one of the wing compartments and closed the door, hoping that the Sebillian lurking inside would eventually succumb to the gas. Sure thing, after two turns I heard the familiar death sound and went in to check things out. Even though he was stunned, his sprite was frozen to a frame from his running animation. Seems like the death animation doesn't play if an enemy unit is not visible when it gets stunned.

  3. Let's say you wanted to move your soldiers to a certain spot on the map that is so far away, it will take several turns to reach it. So, on each turn, for each soldier, you'll have to:

    1.) Select the soldier

    2.) Scroll the map all the way to the target location

    3.) Double-click the tile you want to move into

    ... which gets pretty tedious on larger squads. Now, what if the game actually remembered which tile a soldier was trying to move into before he ran out of TUs and you could re-issue the same movement order by simply pressing a hotkey? You would only have to issue the movement orders once and then just keep pressing the hotkey on each soldier until everyone has reached the target location.

    Jagged Alliance 2 had a feature similar to this and I thought it was really handy :)

  4. I know that is not how everyone feels(though a game where your people can get whipped at almost any moment by a lucky alien/bad decision should really not get boring) but airstrike should really NOT be what it is called, even if the current system is kept.

    There is just something wrong about the idea of mass air-striking earth.(most of all because due to how terror missions go, I am assuming an airstrike is equivalent to nuking the place.) It really breaks the immersion or concept that you are trying to save the world(or that the governments of the world are run by sane people) if the number one thing to do is nuke every single UFO crashsite that isn't needed. If you do this early game you have killed more civilians then the aliens have...

    Agreed. I think a better choice would be "Delegate" as in "Delegate this mission to local forces".

  5. I was assaulting an alien base and my armored car got blown up in the first corridor, blocking the way for my troops. To clear the wreckage, I placed a C4 charge next to it and took cover behind the corner. To much of my suprise, the explosion not only cleared the wreck but also turned my explosive expert into chunky salsa.

    Here's a recreation of the bug:


  6. The game already has the animation frames for raising and lowering weapons so no additional modeling/rendering would be required for a JA2 style "ready" stance. Basically, it would just be a matter cutting the current firing animations into three smaller animations (raising the weapon, firing the weapon, lowering the weapon).

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