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Posts posted by Deestan

  1. Description: During enemy turn, cleaners fire at MARS and game gets stuck.

    What Happened: I hit end of turn, a cleaner fires at MARS and it takes damage. Another cleaner fires at MARS and it takes more damage. The MARS reacts by turning towards the second cleaner and then nothing happens. Music keeps playing but nothing moves or progresses and I can't interact with any UI elements or bring up the menu.  Waited for 5 minutes before losing patience and force-quitting.  The bug has been reproduced exactly by reloading my save and clicking End Turn.

    Further information: Playing a cleaner intelligence mission. MARS has full TU so may be trying to reaction fire. Note that like in bug "MARS stuck after spotting 1st enemy" the MARS has been stuck for several turn.

    Save game: user_bug_stuck-2.zip


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