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Posts posted by IcarusGW

  1. Hello.


    I am an old non-bilingual Frenchman and this and a google trad ^^

    I've finished what was possible, so far, and I can't wait to continue playing your awesome game! Here is a small list of suggestions that I would like to see, if possible, later :


    - The possibility of lying on the ground, in addition to being able to kneel, and also to be able to crawl, in order to limit the view of enemies but also to be detected.


    - The management of ammunition for the weapons of soldiers, vehicles, air defense. We should produce our ammunition and not get it unlimited. Same for grenades and modules, etc...


    - Added a bomber to do like the aliens, and bomb their bases. This makes it easier to deploy on the ground, and of course it will limit the rewards obtained, because it is easier.


    - To be able to use our air defenses to damage UFOs before intercepting them with our planes, with why not a more or less high damage system depending on the distance at which the target is, the level of our radars/missiles, etc. ... including of course ammunition management.


    - Integrating psy soldiers into our ranks (I imagine it's planned but I'm very keen on it)


    - The possibility of carrying out aerial reconnaissance of the terrain, without disclosing the enemy presence, but without having to discover the map. That the interior of the buildings remains black, I understand, but the rest... We arrive by air so we should at least know where we are stepping. Simply put, anything that isn't hidden by a roof should be visible. The tactical confrontation would only be better because we would no longer look for where our objective is (which is logical because a crashed UFO can be seen from afar, for example) but we would rather think about how to get there and where could be the enemies. What we are already doing without being able to take advantage of the scenery, which is a shame.


    - Finally, I imagine that it is not planned and that it could be painful to set up: baculating in real time like XCOM Apocalypse could be absolutely brilliant. I imagine an additional stat for our soldiers, stamina, which would act on the reloading of UTs, depending on the weight it carries. A pause button to plan our actions. The possibility of sprinting to reach cover, which would impact enemy reflex fire. In short... an option that would require a lot of work, I imagine, so forget about it ^^


    Thank you for your game. It's awesome! Keep it up !!

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