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Posts posted by Vela_Zhezzaia

  1. On 10/13/2019 at 2:52 PM, Solver said:

    I have to say this shows why Goldhawk is an amazing studio. There's a real willingness to try new ideas, but without necessarily committing to them - you can admit when something simply doesn't work. And offering refunds to people who specifically wanted now-changed features is very admirable and honest.

    On the gameplay front, while I liked the bold ideas behind the "shadow war" on the Geoscape and all that, I'm also really pleased with where the game is headed now. X1 is one of my favourite games, and I'm definitely in the camp that will be pretty happy with an improved X1. While the strategy layer is currently an almost exact copy of X1, I'm very happy about the improved tactical layer. There's a bunch of really small improvements but it adds up, and the boxy destructible UFOs are my favourite feature. 


    We will agree to disagree on that aspect. Playing the new built and the tactical combat feels terrible. X1 was a good game but it combat was one of the weaker aspects of it. The X2 demo which you can still play to this very day feels like a far better in combat then the current one we have. We should have never got rid of that X2 demo style. The chopper, UI, AI and everything else is far superior to the current combat system we have. Go a head. Play the demo and then play a mission from the current built. Tell me which one you like more. If you do not agree the demo is the better combat system. Then feel free to change my mind.

  2. So I will talk about the things I like and the things I do not like.

    I will start with the things I like.

    1. New Maps: So this has more maps which I am happy. Was hating getting the one farm map all the bloody time. Guessing this game does not have procedurally generated maps. Still these new maps are better then the old ones.

    2. Better starting gear and character load out: This is a very nice thing. Having so many things we normally had to research unlocked right off the bat. I always thought it was dumb having to research many things like a stun baton.

    3. Base: I do like how most of the base stuff has been shrunk. No longer having a 2x2 life taking up a good chunk of your base. Specially sense you hangers are only a 1x2 slot. Really felt silly for the lift to be that big. What am I planning on put on that lift? A warhammer 40k titan?

    4. Tech/Engineering improvements. I like how the tech has less silly research like how to make a grenade launcher and stun baton. Hit the ground running with a mars drone too. I have not done to much with the Engineering but from what it looks like. Alien alloys are more rare and that a balancing effect of engineering is a flat out full upgrade to your base like in Xcom 2. Not having to build eat weapon/armor but a mass production. Which I do enjoy.

    5. New starting jet and pilots system? I will say. I love the new jet. Where it comes with 1 cannon and 2 missile slots. Always bugged me with X1 having so many models of jets but half of them where rarely use as they could ether not use a cannon. Missiles in X1 did not really seem to be all that good. Dual cannons was always the better way to go. I am not sure if this is something of a place holder but if they are going be letting your aircraft have pilots that can level up. Letting you switch them to better jets as you research/build them. This would be a cool system. I am hoping this is just not a waste of time and all the pilot is a picture and that all it will ever be. If it does not add to the gameplay. It a waste of time.


    Now for the bad.

    1. Base hurts relations? Not sure if this is a bug or what. I can play a base in an area and every land mass that the radar touches seems to hurt my relationship. Half way through Jan and my relationship with places that radar is touching is far worse then area's with no coverage.

    2. Lack of money: Not sure why the money went from 3 million to 1.5 but good lord this really hurts. Even worse is it feels like the cost of everything has been increase. I find my self bombing more ufo for money then doing missions. Which starves me for alloys. I am not liking this starving of supplies. Which comes worse that secondary missions cost like 300k to do. WTF why am I paying the world money to fight aliens for them.

    3. To many raids: So the game starts in Jan. Normally a few UFO mission nothing big happens. Feb comes around and I have to deal with 3 raids. I do not even have enough time to heal up my troops before the next one starts. With me being strapped for cash. I also do not have the funds to get a second team build. Not that I would send them on a raid. Where the difficulty spikes like made. Walking out my chopper to find a bloody android standing 10 feet from the chopper. This will go into my next point.

    4. The lz is hot: Why is it that every mission I been on. There at less 1 if not 2 aliens outside my chopper. The worse mission I had was on a raid. Where a total of 8 enemies where in sight from the chopper. Really makes me wish we had the chopper from X2 demo. Yes I know that chopper can be a big bugged at times and a soldier can get stuck in their spawn location but honestly I like it more then the 3 exit chopper. ((fact that demo really felt better in the combat system then the current version. Can we pls go back to that demo combat? X1 might be a good game. Yet it did have it fair share of problems. Can we pls remove the bad elements of X1 from X2. Like the bloody bad combat in the current build.))

    5. Invader Zim AI: If you not seen the cartoon Invader Zim. I will explain this joke. Everyone in IZ are idiots. The humans and aliens. Which this game seems to have that aspect. Where the friendly AI does nothing but run around getting in your way and slowing the mission down. The enemy AI is just as bad. Where aliens will run up to my soldier. Shoot friendly civs who are behind cover while my soldier are out in the open. Point blank shooting my soldier with an AEO plasma weapon. Doing only 23 points of damage to me. While taking 56 points of damage to it self. So many moves that makes me wondering how the hell did these things even get to earth. They are so braid dead stupid.

    6. Come to Daddy: So as right now. I finding my soldier have better accuracy with their reactionary shots then when I am controlling them. With the AI being so dumb. It more then happy to charge the front line and walk willing into a kill zone. Waking to you more then shooting at you. Watching your shotgun person decide they are a sniper with a reactionary shot. Killing a newly spotted alien across the map. It feels so wrong that the game plays better by it self and my job is just to set them up and hit next turn.

    Maybe I am just have a big stroke of bad luck with my current run. Maybe it will be better with a restart but honestly the game really should not be played. "Restart tell you get a better run simulator."

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