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Ingeras Kurai

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Posts posted by Ingeras Kurai

  1. Anyone have tips on taking down a battleship in phase 2?  Currently I'm using Corsair's to take out the escorts, but 3 lancers with gravity torpedoes doesn't quite do the trick.  I'm debating on trying plasma torpedoes but they seem like a downgrade as in total they do less damage which makes me hesitant to build any.  What setups do you use to take down a battleship?

    Edit: Tried it with plasma torpedoes and still no luck...is it just not possible to take down battleships this early in the game?  I mainly want to take one down as that would lead to a new type of aircraft.

  2. I had a few questions i was looking for answers to.

    1. I'm starting to get plasma weapons and i believe i'm in phase 2. Is this ok or about what ships/weapons should i have?
    2. I've encountered the xenomorph that explodes with very little damage...i've tried using stun battons and alien lightning weapons but no luck capturing it before it explodes, is it supposed to be able to be captured?
    3. Are there any youtube series of this that anyone might recommend for me to watch for tips?
    4. As i said previously i believe i'm in stage 2. I have 3 bases for interception and a fourth in the works, is this ok?
    5. Should i have multiple landing parties? Currently i only have one base that with a chinook(still haven't found an upgrade) that i send a team out from, should i run multiple teams?  Should i have better then the chinook?
    6. I've researched all the lightning weapons i've found but still stuck with batons, do i ever get lightning weapons of my own?

    7.  Are stages dependent on time or by research you perform?

    8.  Per wave of enemy ships, about how many are we expected to shoot down/raid?


    Loving the game so far though :D

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