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Posts posted by n_mandrag

  1. So - vehicles. Until now they exist in a separate Category from your Soldiers - but why ?

    Both need storage space, equipment and repair after getting shot at by aliens. Well - we call the "human storage space" living quarters and their repair "medical" - BUT our vehicles have far less options for customization and enhancement then regular soldiers.

    So - I propose a Framework to make the handling of Vehicles in general easier and blurring the lines between Soldiers and Vehicles.

    A Vehicle is equipped like a piece of Armor for a Soldier - changing the amount of space said soldier takes up in a transport and the types of Weapons they can equip.

    Instead of Assigning a "Hunter1" Scout Car to your Chinook, you equip Pvt. Max Muster with a "Hunter Scout Car" and a twin Browning MG Turret. Pvt. Muster will propably earn some experience and become a better Soldier while Driving/ Commanding said Scout Car.

    This shift would:

    Eliminate the necessity for a separate Garage screen (which has bugged out severly in my modded campaign btw.)

    Allows  Vehicles to be affected by morale

    Allow Easier Customizing of Vehicles (Main gun, additional weapons, smoke launchers etc) in the Loadout Screen.

    Allow variable soldier size through Exosuits , Mechas or horrible biomechanical surgeries.

    Allow implementation of other restrictions for weapons - Perhaps only Soldiers in "powered armors" may equip a portable Gatling cannon etc.

    Perhaps you could even Enter/Leave vehicles with other soldiers - hop on the back of a Scout Car/Trike or Tank and use the vehicles movement.

  2. On 9/28/2017 at 2:06 PM, Chris said:

    Yup, I can confirm we're very much sticking with this idea and you'll see more of it once we do our big strategy reveal. It's turned out to be quite useful to have the Xenonauts need to be a secret organisation (for fear of the aliens finding and killing them) because it means we can justify the Xenonauts not always having access to unlimited resources and the very best of everything.

    For one thing - Please pretty please don't have an influence bar for the East/West/Unafiliated goverments.

    Everyone from UFO Aftermath to  XCOM2 had these unpersonal, exactly quantified bars that reduce politics and social interaction down to an integer (or Double, perhaps even Real if your naughty).

    They feel about as satisfying as chewing stale bread.

    Instead of dealing with "THE US" or "CHINA" - which would most certainly would be an open secret 10min after sending the first letter - The Xenonauts would propably employ Agents to approach resources like power companies, Cable companies or universities directly. Just like the spies of east and west.

    If you want to focus on the cold war aspect, then the interaction between agents would be paramount. An incriminating report to the Kremlin and suddenly it'll be pretty hard to access any resources from their land - and perhaps get shot at more frequently from local guards.  On the other hand, if the xenonauts further the agenda of Agents, they will pass on information pointing out possible alien infiltrators or valuable ressources.

    Instead of a number or a %Bar for the "Relation" ,the actions of the faction should tell you clearly enough how you stand with them.

    "Show don't tell"

    Several Trucks with Marines on your Lawn demanding your surrender for example would indicate that someone is lobbying against that "dangerous communist terror cell"...

    Less severe indications would be propaganda, suspicious intel leaks or harassment of your backers.

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