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Posts posted by targetbsp

  1. Desura's updating system is really miserable. 15 minutes of validating old files, <1 minute of downloading files, and another 10 minutes of installing them.


    It really is dreadful. And now it's telling me there is a new update again despite having been updated yesterday. I'm actually going to uninstall it and redownload the whole thing. I think that might be quicker than Desuras update method!


    Yeah I think that was quicker. :D

  2. and I have to be honest, I'm baffled that people want rid of them

    No-on ever wanted rid of them. They didn't want them added in the first place.

    The point was that re-doing all the graphics as per the original plan was a HUGE investment that would have eaten into resources that could have been spent in improving the game in other ways. As it happens they came up with a design to avoid doing that and kept everyone happy so it's all good. :)

  3. X-Com* is my favourite game of all time. I was such a fan of laser Squad I actually bought my first PC primarily for X-Com. So I've played it a lot. And I never knew you could do that! lol

    *or UFO as we used to call it in the old days before this internet thing took off and we started using the American name for the game. :P

  4. Game of 1999 year ...

    but current mechanics of Xenonauts is worse than in this game ...

    Now 2012 ... form ja2 & 1999 gone 13 years !!!

    In what way specifically? One of the initial goals from the kickstarter funding was JA style suppression mechanics which they stated in update 4 will now be happening. And they've stated the AI isn't all there yet and will be getting much smarter.

  5. Or hope for a reaper hive DLC after release.

    I would splash out a few spare pounds on it.

    I was thinking the same. I'm obviously new to this forum - has there been any past discussion about DLC if the game is popular? I'm typically not a fan but I could make an exception for X-COM. :D

    I'd guess it's not something anyone wants to think about much right now with all the stuff that is planned to be done. And there's probably not many ways you could and DLC to an X-COM type game without screwing up the balance between those that have it and those that don't. Sequel maybe... :D

  6. So youre saying if a indie musician press and prints his own CD,s to save money beacause its cheapen than to outsource it, you will pirate his album?

    Yes that's exactly what I was saying lol. How on earth did you read that into what I said?? And have you ever heard of iTunes? Personally it's irrelevant to me because I'm too old to listen to new music!

    My point still applies to music though. If I am paying an amount of money just to obtain the music then I'm not fussed how it is presented to me. I'm buying the music, not the packaging. If however I am specifically choosing to pay a premium especially for a box - then yes I want that box to be a quality product.


    Oh I think you misread the bit where I said I may as well just download it and print it. Note the part 'download and PRINT'. I was talking about box artwork. Not the product.

  7. It's that 'almost' though. Looks fine from a distance but up close it's just ever so slightly lacking in definition. However good home and office printers have got - they aren't as what people whose business it is to print things have.

    And whilst offering such an item is fine for those that want a physical backup or to save download bandwidth I don't think it's suitable for a scenario like this where you are basically offering it as a collectible incentive for people to spend more money is it?

    Let me put it this way. I would pay a premium for a professionally printed box but I wouldn't for something I could download and print myself. :)

  8. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the Mac / Linux port is coming up in dead last. It has a whole bunch of votes at "14" and a bunch of votes at "1" and not a lot in between.

    Guess we might have to pay for that one ourselves then :P

    Out of sympathy for our Mac/Linux owning friends I actually voted other things I wasn't interested in below that but I guess it hasn;t helped. :D

  9. This is only a sugestion.

    If you have a good computer, a good printer, a drawing program, a cd/dvd burner, a cd/dvd program (Nero is great) and a great artist who can make artwork you can produce most of this yourself.

    There are printable CD,S and DVD,S on the market.

    Only thing im a bit unsure of is the boxes themself if youre thinking of Old school pc boxes.

    When it comes to standard DVD covers and CD covers you coud buy empty cases too.


    I'ev had that before when I've ordered a CD copy from an Indie dev. It's just not the same. Maybe if you had a REALLY good printer but otherwise it'll end up looking like a pirate copy you bought off ebay

  10. I suspect the poll may have been slightly influenced by the lack of variety in the demo levels. Whilst it was clearly stated there would be more irrespective of a level designer, even armed with that knowledge it is pretty jarring when you play the same level 3 times in a row in your first handful of goes and then sit back and think how many ground missions you'll be doing in a typical game!

    So I was selecting everything that would mix that up: the level designed and tilesets

  11. I suspect there's a large cultural difference here. I'm guessing your American by your use of the word douche? I'm from the UK and we don't really do discrimination here so the idea of making a political statement about it in a game is utterly bizarre to me. If you're from somewhere where discrimination still happens then I begin to understand your point of view.

    I'm entirely comfortable with my attitude and sense of empathy towards every other person on the planet thanks and can't be shamed into thinking that my trying to understand your point of view by questioning it makes me a bad person.

  12. Even though having female portraits won't add much for me.

    Then why are you arguing for it so much and seemingly offended when someone is against the idea? Has any female actually told you they feel unable to play a game that doesn't have female characters in or are you just assuming this is a problem? From a very quick straw poll I don't know any female gamers that care and I'm kind of struggling with the concept that any actually would.

    Personally, 10 seconds after starting the mission I won't care whether my soldiers are male or female. Only how far away they are from the aliens and how good a shot they are. So for me I would have to fall into the camp of considering a lot of effort on this front wasteful. Having said that, if a lot of people want it then I'm all in favour of it. It just seems pointless if those arguing for it are doing so because they think it's the politically correct thing to do if no-one is actually that bothered.

  13. Reaper Hive mission... Wow!

    But I think a level designer is your best investment, even if I'd like more tilesets.

    Yeah I went for hire level designer first and Reaper Hive second. How scary the terror sites with Chrysalids in is pretty much my strongest memory from X-COM so I like the idea of this!

  14. Can't wait until the Kickstarter starts. I decided fairly recently to pick this up but figure I may as well wait until your kickstarter starts and help reach your goal.

    I'm presuming that kickstarter purchasers will also be able to download future beta copies the same as normal pre-orders after the kickstarter closes? And until then I'll have the public beta to play with :)

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