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Posts posted by thothkins

  1. I think we'll probably make the Xenonauts go first after the deployment phase. It makes the most sense.

    Alien 1: Look! Canned Humans falling from the sky!

    Alien 2: Xenonauts. They're called Xenonauts.

    Alien 1: They're called sitting ducks. Let's just shoot them now!

    Alien 2: No, let's wait until they're down and let them get into position. Then we'll start.

    Alien 1: But...

  2. ...and ignorance claims another innocent-ish life.

    As commonly known, in one of the very early versions of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, the rat catcher initially took all of the shoes of the town's children as punishment for non-payment. "As I will walk barefooted due lack of money for shoes, so shall your children walk barefooted as a reminder of debts owed." He called out to all the little shoes in the night, using a special musical instrument, known as the shoehorn. All of the little shoes and boots and sandals sneaked out of their owners homes and followed the rat catcher out of town, in step to his strange melody.

    The townsfolk seemed upset, but not devastated. "Cobblers!" they shouted. Soon the children all had shoes again. That's when the rat catcher started to play for keeps...

    The Shoehorn of Hamlin is now memorialised is a device used to extract reluctant feet from stiff boots.


  3. Although helping them up is good too...

    thothkins: I remember poor Gorlom. Such a tragic loss

    Gorlom: Hey! I'm down here. Give us a hand...

    Gauddlike: Such a shame. If only there was something we could have done.

    Gorlom: Quit it: I've just fallen..help me up!

    thothkins: Let's remember him as he was.

    Gauddlike: On second thought, let's remember him as someone else. Someone funny, like Groucho Marx

    Gorlom: Guys!

    thothkins: I think Duck Soup was Gorlom's best movie...

  4. 4) Picture an animated movie of a giant shoehorn, forcing it's way through the defensive fire of a grounded UFO. Smoke billows behind the buildings and outbreaks of fire await the landing team. The shoehorn pilot shouts over the comms for instructions and then crams the Xenonauts onto the Geoscape...

  5. 4) Picture an animated movie of the chinook flying towards the crash site. Smoke billows behind the buildings and outbreaks of fire await the landing team. The pilot shouts over the comms for instructions. The player then gets an overview of the map with a few rectangular landing point options. One is selected and then we go into round one of the mission. The player has had an overview of the map, while the aliens now know there are enemy forces on site and where they have landed. They will react accordingly.

    The downside is that if the player knows where the UFO is, and if holding a UFO for 5 rounds wins the battle, the player will just land as close to the UFO as possible. It renders a large amount of the map as fairly pointless. It does change the strategy quite considerably, for both sides.

  6. I do vaguely recall getting stuck at a fence in an odd map ages ago, with only a few troops. Rockets were crashing the game, so I didn't use them and I don;t often bring C4 so that was out. I don't bring the tanks either. I fair amount of firing didn't seem to be damaging the fence much.

    I think I just tried the rocket and crashed the game.

    Alien armadas I can deal with. Minimal earth security poses a much greater problem.

    If it were in the game, I'd imagine you'd just start with them like the Medipack. I'm note sure there's a huge benefit in laser or plasma cutting research trees, unless alien canned food is particularly difficult to get into.

  7. Once I'm done with the final mission I probably will create a save people can use to test it, to be honest. I can understand why people might not want to spoil it for themselves but hopefully a few people will give it a play!

    Even a few save game options from a particular build across later months. For those that don't want the final mission spoiled, here's something based in the last quarter of the game to test out later parts of the tech tree. That sort of thing might be useful too.

  8. Funding was cancelled for this.

    There's a link to BBG for comments leading to a proposed relaunch


    I generally agreed with a number of the comments.

    - It's a lot of money to put down for something with such a long lead time.

    - I didn't get a feeling that the game for far enough along it's development track to back it. There is masses to do and I'd need a bit more actual gameplay footage of each game stage to be convinced it hangs together.

    - There were some language and presentation issues. Sometimes actually as a benefit but overall to its detriment. The first game play video was actually a powerpoint presentation. I wonder how many people went no further thinking something bad was making it's way onto their computer. It was a decent simple presentation to it's credit.

    - It's a game with miniatures, where the miniatures don't really seem to be that important to have. Combat is abstracted and doesn't actually require them. While nice, it certainly bumps up the cost.

    - A lot of stretch goals are miniatures based, and if you don't actually need them...well. The first expansion to the actual game comes at triple the target amount, with miniatures taking up the initial slots. What looked to be £40k to get some postcards could probably go too.

    - It does seem to have a bit of everything X-Com to it. That's not always a good thing. Devs have the game played at about 4 hours ,going by a quick scan, and hope to have it down to 3. For a newbie, you can easily double that. It looks fiddly with masses of bits and pieces. Target Earth is fiddly enough with fewer pieces. It needed a lot more up front about the stages of the game. There simply wasn't enough there on launch to show that all of this actually worked together.

    - Stretch goals didn't make it at all attractive to back the project and it's something that was a little off putting. There are expectations of Kickstarter. While costing the game and it's stretch bonuses is vital to the developers, they have to put a bit more into this. They should also include things just to get to the target as well as any expectations to get to huge amounts.

    - Personally, I found the global strategic map pretty off putting. It looked very garish to me.

    There's a hint of another similar game on the BGG page. I'll have a nose at that too.

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