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Posts posted by nas1m

  1. This is an experimental build - to access it, please read the instructions / warnings in this thread.


    - Gameconfig.xml now has an option called "AutoScale" fonts, which will shrink the font size automatically if it is too big for the text field.

    Just out of interest: Would it be possible to use/enable the inverse if this option to make use of possible additional room to make the in-game texts *larger*? This could make the game more playable for those of us who are stuck with a laptop screen (e.g. 1366x768 resolution)...

    I could live with the UI being a bit inconsistent in this case.

  2. I play on 1366x768 and font is just fine ....(even in windowed mode).

    For me this is definitely not the case, unfortunately :( - playing on a laptop screen making out the text on the geoscape (or the tooltips for that matter) is still a big strain...

    EDIT: @Chris: Could you make the tooltips use the same font size as the Xenopedia does since it has been last updated? That would relieve the situation a bit at least as far as the tooltips are conerned....

    EDIT: The same goes for the news area at the bottom of the geoscape. Any chance to up the font size here as well?

  3. Awesome! Thanks a lot :D!

    Will your fix be limited to the Xenopedia, though? Just because most of the UI is not much better at 1366x768 in terms of font size. I just posted in this thread as it seemed to have a similar topic to my complaint (namely the font size being *very* small on classic laptop resolutions)...

  4. Unfortunately the font size does not seem to have improved using the new UI in V20. As it is the game is barely playable on my laptop (my only computer) @ 1366x768. Is there any chance for improvements on that front? I preordered the game long before it appeared on Steam and then waited for the Beta to mature a bit before giving it a shot, but as it is I will not get any fun out of this game at all :(...

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