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Posts posted by Wulf2k

  1. I realize I could look into the game files for this info but I don't enjoy completely ruining a game's mystery before beating it at least once.


    So, I'm wondering if it's realistic to manage the alien invasion ticker on a conscious level.  Are there any tips like "thwart x number of missions before month 4 or this bad thing happens"?  Will some games be super easy when the aliens only randomly choose to do missions that don't increase the ticker much, and on the flip side, are you screwed some games when they outpace you no matter what you do?


    Would the game play out noticeably different if you were to get a base on each continent ASAP and stop every single mission than if you were to barely scrape by with minimum coverage?

  2. Yeah, a game save likely would've been the way to go, but I didn't really think about reporting it until after it was over.


    No mods installed.


    It may be similar to your issue but I don't believe I had any destroyed tiles nearby.  It was an entire team of stunners and I'd thrown no grenades, so it would only be alien misses causing environmental destruction.


    Thanks for the response, I was starting to wonder if anybody read these forums any more.


    Edit:  And I'm perfectly willing to accept a "not enough info" style response from whoever still works on bugs here, but can anybody confirm that there's still a point in reporting bugs?  Or has all development gone on to Xeno2 and Xeno1 will never again see an update for anything that isn't completely gamebreaking?

  3. Nothing out of the ordinary leading up to it.  Passing time on the geoscape.  Aerial terror site appears amidst a swarm of UFOs.


    I wanted to get a better view of everything before committing resources, so I cancelled all prompts and switched to 5s time.


    Launched interceptors at the terror site, it prompted me to choose between two identical aerial terror sites.  I selected the first, autoresolved, succeeded.  I attempted to intercept the second, identical one as well because I didn't want to ignore a terror site even if it was obviously bugged, and Xenonauts crashed to desktop.


    Reloaded game that was a few days prior to terror, terror sites never appeared.  Game proceeded past that date like normal.

  4. I just failed a mission where this was a big contributor.


    I had 2 stunners crouched behind barricades.  An alien stepped out from behind cover and stopped, at roughly the maximum range of my stunners.


    I moused over this alien with both stunners, and it showed a number that was roughly their maximum TU in white.  I clicked, the first one ran to the alien, and stopped without stunning.  I clicked with the second guy, he did the same thing.


    So they were forced to end their turn standing right beside a rather pissed off alien.  It did not end well for them.


    I cannot confirm that it was the standing that used up an unexpected amount of TU rendering them unable to stun, but I am sure that they did not get the stun attempt off when the indicator said they could.

  5. 2 shield/stunrod guys covering both sides of a door.  I end my turn.


    Reaper comes in, reaps 1 guy.  No zombie visible.  End turn.


    I move another guy in to take the place of the downed guy.  Stun reaper.  No hostiles visible.  End turn.


    Zombie appears on same tile as the guy I just moved in, kills the 2nd guy in the room.  End turn.


    I move the stunner off that tile, zombie cannot be targeted.  Take two swings while holding ctrl, no damage numbers.  Leave room.  End turn.


    Zombie follows and kills stunner.  End turn.

  6. http://wulf2k.ca/xenobug.jpg

    So, first off, "autoresolve (100% success)". I was a little surprised when all my ships blew up. It's not technically lying, since they destroyed their target, but doesn't sound as 100%ey as I'd like. Common, bug, or one in a million?

    Second, I seem to lose my base previews at the top of my screen. They come back after a restart and have disappeared a few more times, but is there a trigger that causes that? Known issue?

    Oh, and finally, maybe not a bug as-such, but any time research completes on the geoscape screen, my cpu fan starts going nuts. I assume something is pegging the CPU at 100% at that point for some reason. Not too huge of a concern, but if I'm playing on my laptop it'll overheat itself if I leave it there overly long.

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