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Posts posted by Dundundun

  1. Still hapening as of v0.34.2 HF.

    Tried launching as administrator in case it failed to update a file by permissions, no effect. What worries me is that the mod priority, important enough to generate a dialog, is in fact not being re-ordered at all for the current session, and no idea what the effect would be if this is left in a bad configuration.

    Note: this is out-the-box. No additional mods, just Community Edition.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Solver said:

    Yeah, I understand the situation. Not worth fixing though in any way.

    Sorry all, chasing rabbits here. I'm used to stock where these yellow events generate an actual research opportunity, while in CE it can just be a "Know your Enemy" entry without any effort. Thanks for all the responses though, lovely to see such an attentive forum :)

  3. 25 minutes ago, Charon said:

    I think you are all not getting the OPs simple note that ... whatever happens after the interrogation you should have a corpse afterwards

    No, not after interrogation: After a battle.

    1. Assume the (Caesan/whatever) generic corpse is already researched
    2. In the next battle find a (Caesan/whatever) Psion.
    • If you shoot/blow it up during the battle (killing it), the battle summary tells you in a yellow font that a Psion corpse is available for research. Makes sense, it has bullet holes/limbs missing from the blast and is dead, but the brain is still worth a peek.
    • If you sedate it/knock it out, you finish the battle with a Psion prisoner, you are informed in the battle summary that the (Caesan/whatever) Psion was executed (along with any other useless prisoners), but this act of executing does not generate a Psion corpse for research.
  4. 7 minutes ago, Solver said:

    But there is no reasonable scenario where you only get a stunned alien and no corpses. There are always many aliens of the same race. If you stunned an alien, you will have also killed aliens of the same race unless you really go out of your way not to.

    I don't know if I really went out of my way, but quite simply in the same battle (ie loading the same (auto)save file) if I shoot a Caesan Psion in the head during combat, I get a corpse to research the Psion in the summary; if I shoot him in the head after combat (because at the end of the scene it's unconscious, not dead, and is executed off-camera), no corpse is generated in the yellow font and no so research even though executing a prisoner sould leave me with a corpse as much as shooting it in the battle.

    To be clear, it's specifically the Psion corpse that generates this particular research - I'd already researched the Caesan generic corpse, so the other corpses are useless.

  5. My point is:

    • Shoot ten round of hot plasma into a Caesan (or anyone else) and at the end of the round the very dead body is sent for analysis
    • Knock it out and at the end of the round it is executed, but somehow that doesn't generate a body even though it's just as dead

    Note, it's the same body (Caesan Psion), with the same utility (haven't researched one before). I'm pointing out that a combat kill generates a cadaver sent to the lab, an execution kill generates nothing.

  6. Hi all

    After storming a ship I saw three different colour shirts on the Caesan corpses lying around. The summary told me the Psion corpse was recovered for study.

    I figured it may be worthwhile to get him alive, so replayed the mission and stunned all of them instead. The summary now simply tells me the Psion was executed (so no value to a live Psion, alright then), but no notification the body is recovered/available to research. This is weird - if anything the executed corpse is in better condition than one with battle damage, but in general... execution leaves a corpse behind, I should be able to use that for research, no?


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