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Posts posted by PEJOCAAL

  1. Hello,the game looks awesome and the sound rocks, but the hidden movement is a waste of time, just in from of my monitor waiting some civilians running whitout sense and npc soldiers turning and turning, I feel like the 20 percent of the time is used for me gaming, and the 80 percent is used by the game itself and makes me hate it.

  2. I understand the mision score system, I refer to first line in the debriefing score list


    1. UFO SECURED.................................0 (THIS ONE, ALWAYS IS 0?)

    2. Aliens killed...................................

    3. Aliens captures................................


  3. Thanks to everybody, your responses have been fully useful.

    Chris said

    1) You secure an UFO by killing all the aliens in both parts of it, and keeping the soldiers there for 5 turns. That gives you a mission victory.

    q: doing it, give me the UFO SECURE puntuation at the end of the battleground? I feel that I have done that, but in the mission debriefing always I have had "0" in SECURED UFO puntuation.

    I hope to be explaining my self with my seudo-english

  4. By local multiplayer I am assuming you mean a hot seat type mode where two people share a computer.

    That is not a great feature for me, I would never use it.

    That is not a great feature for you, does not mean that for others not

    that you never would use it, does not mean that others not

  5. In first place, Congratulations, the atmosphere and graphics cannot be better, but a I am worried because, if you take the correct direction, I could be the game that we are all expecting and the best game ever built, but since I played V9 there are several things that will finish this game without getting out:

    1. The ground battle ground does not offer any challenge. The original X-COM was succesfull because once you landed, you could loss all your crew in several minutes, and you could feel fear with a game with poor graphics. In V9, a battle ground could be predictable the most of the time, the sebillans just waiting their death, also I step in front of one several turns just to prove that they are just part of the background, they do nothing, just stand till were killed, coming back to XCOM, those alien were very frighten, once you saw one, you wanted run back, because they were very devastating.

    2. The rate of UFO sighting is so hight(It could be part of the free will, in this case I step back), so you have to fight so frecuently battlegrounds, wich as I wrote in part 1, this combination will burn the game, because you can be bored so easily.

    I am very excited about XENONAUTS, and I trusht that will be over its problems once you advance, as a recommendation, is preferable just few sightings but very more challenging, unpredictable battle grounds.

    Remenber, X-COM could be considered the best game ever created, and not for the graphics, also now I am tempted to play it, so, do not miss the real essence of XCOM, the playability, the challenge, the free will, the desire to kill those aliens, the curiosity, to have a different experience each time you begin from the start, to do not know what is going to happen at all, the fear.

    Dear friends, you have a hudge community supporting you, you have the chance to improve XCOM, please do not miss the opportunity, not disappoint us.


  6. I give thanks for the idea of the manual download without desura, but I have to suggest and it is really a need to split the main archive in several archives to download.

    When a file downloading has a connection failure, wich is very frecuent in my country:mad:, it is a waste of time triying to download an almost 1 gb file. So, I have been facing a lot of waste of time triying to download XENONAUTS since I decide to pre-order, because internet connection fails at 320 MB or 800 MB, it is the same. I really need at least 4 parts to achieve download the game. I will very much appreciate your efforts helping to let me get the game.

    thanks in advance

  7. It would be nice to have a LOCAL MULTIPLAYER OPTION, but just a battleground quick battle, like UFO AI does, wich no requires substancial changes. Could be a extra small work once finalized the main game.

    It would be EXTRAFUN with a little effort, just replacing the AI for HUMAN PLAYER, and some other adds.

    I am not a programer, I would like not to be so wrong

  8. I am having big problems downloading XENONAUTS with desura, but only when it try to download the last file (i think), that is size is around 90-100 MB (dlc or something), it last for ever. I downloaded whitout desura V8.9.1 (565,479 KB), I would love if I could download manually also the actualizations and the others files needed to paste manually the files in XENONAUTS folder.

    Thanks in advance

    (DESURA released a manual download of V9, I am downloading right now)

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