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Posts posted by sgl

  1. Would be a nice thing if some civilians/military allies could have a chance to resist turning into a 'zombie'. I see such solution to more balanced and realistic. I mean that someone must have some kind of immunity for  different kind of toxins, supergenmutating things. I don't have any idea about modding, so I'm clueless if such thing is possible.

  2. Hey drages, thanks for your quick reply. I will send you my saves in the moment. There are couple of issues along with the bug that I have described e.g. I have captured high rank aliens but I was not able to interrogate them until Alien leader was captured (I don't know if this is a bug really) I'm in the phase 3 I belive (if the game phases equals to the researches phases on my lab screen ?) but I don't have any meele weapons to manufacture and have only two armours for my xenonauts. It is not a big problem since I can manage to play the game so far, although it's quite strange.

  3. Hi. U would like to report a bug. This is the third time that I have encountered this bug so I decided to get some help here. First time, after I shoot down small scout the ufo was with no graphics at all (there were only black titles instead of actual UFO displaying). After shooting some rockets and blowing up the doors I was able to see the inside opf ther ship so it was OK. Second time was very simillar to the first one but right now I'm in dead end. I shoot down large ufo (2 floors, additional doors on both sides of the ship), After I deal with the main doors, I'm going inside the UFO but I can't see anythiing inside of that ship - only the "outer" graphics of the UFO is displaying. Could anyone help me with it please ? Game is running with the latest patch, mod order is OK too. Sorry for my grammar, hope that everything is clear.

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