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Posts posted by DemonGrenade

  1. Hello to the guys at Goldhawk Interactive. 

    I recently played the first mission of xenonauts 2 on GoG. I've got some feedback for you guys regarding some things I noticed. 

    The xenonaut models look pretty good. The alien models however, look terrible. The caesans dont look too bad, but the lizard people look atrocious. They look like a grittier version of Bowser from mario. 

    That being said, I did like what I saw regarding the environment and the new 3d engine. The level looked good. But its hard to tell what counts as full cover and what counts as full cover. Its also hard to tell what characters can and cannot leap on top of. I suggest possibly adding a new UI element to help distinguish the differences between the two (this was also an issue I had with the original xenonauts). More on the environment: I really liked the sound effect of bullets hitting rock cover. It felt punchy and the little rocks that explode from the impact point is a nice touch. That being said, I feel as if the cover is too tough to damage or take out (also a previous issue with OG xenonauts). 

    Performance wise: It ran alright except when entering unrevealed areas for the first time. I would experience small frame drops when entering any newly discovered tiles. The performance drop wasnt severe, but I still feel its worth mentioning. I run a GTX 970, 8gs ram, i7 3.9ghz cpu (not overclocked). 

    One of the biggest issues I had with the original xenonauts is how lifeless everything feels. In OG Xcom, during a end turn screen you could hear civilians walking around, aliens shooting, doors opening and closing, and the occasional death of civilians. In xenonauts, during the end turn screen, you can hear some of that stuff but it didnt feel right. Not enough variety in the sounds being played and the screen was always static. In OG xcom, when something happened, the screen would switch perspective rapidly to a dark corner of the map and it would also switch often. This helped set in that feeling of dread between each turn, because it gave me (the player) a sense that the aliens were accomplishing alot on their turn. The sudden and repeated switches in perspective also gave a sense of panic as I never knew when it was going to switch and for how long it would remain there. Xenonauts needs some of that to help ratchet up the tension. I would also recommend speeding up the animations and gunshots to help achieve this effect. The pace of combat in xenonauts was really hurt by the sluggishness of the animations. 

    Like if an alien would do reaction fire in xenonauts, they would turn around, bring their weapon up the their shoulder, fire, and put it back down to resting position. And if they were to repeatedly fire they would again go through raising it to their shoulder and dropping it again after shooting. It just killed the urgency of the combat. In OG xcom, if an alien would reaction fire against the player, it would turn around and then "BANG BANG BANG" and then it was done. It was very fast and almost chaotic. It INCREASED the urgency of the combat. 


    I'd say, overall, if you guys want to do xenonauts but better, I'd look at what made OG xcom scary/tense and combine that with some of the presentation of the newer xcom games. By that latter part I mean add in more characterization (not customization) to the xenonaut and alien characters through animation and sound. I think you guys would have quite the game on your hands if you manage that. 


    Sorry if thats long-winded. Regardless I look forward to trying out the future versions of xenonauts 2 and giving any helpful feedback that I can as the project continues. 


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