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Posts posted by Mazi

  1. The art in Xenonauts lacks a lot of direction, and is very dry. But dryness in itself is a British thing, and that signature distinction is what I like about it. It's not easy to make something that looks uninteresting, unappealing and at the same time doesn't look bad.

    I remember some guy from somewhere said Xenonauts was like "an X-Com designed by a depressed British accountant" and I was like "that's fantastic. I'd play the hell out of that."

    I think it's setting fault. If they went more modern or sci-fi it would've been more appealing.

    The '70 cold war feels like soviet\chernobyl depressive architecture, visually speaking

  2. Hi.

    I registered on this forum to share my opininon on game art because it was an interesting discussion.

    I bought Xenonauts but unforntunately i could not play it for more than 2 hours, and the reason is the art-style. I know it could seem a snob behaviour but i pretty liked almost all 2d isometric games, the old ones (90's) and the lastest (PoE, Shadowrun, Crowntakers, Battle Brothers, Chroma Squad), even the "cheap" browser games (i'm still referring to the art side)

    I don't wanna diminish the artists work behind the game, i'm pretty sure they worked hard, in fact it is more a personal taste matter than a quality critic.

    Don't know why, maybe is the setting who feels a bit cold\sterile (kinda cold war '70), maybe if it was more scifi oriented i would like it more.

    I hope i will like the Xeno 2 art direction, but i don't know if 3d is the best choice, it is a lot harder to give visual pleasure with low budget 3d than2d, expecially if trying to represent a serious tone (cartoon style 3d is easier for low budget, for example).

    Maybe a Scifi direction switch could give more character to the game

    The original Ufo Defense may have not the best art, but the comic\cartoonish colorful style gave it lot of personality.

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