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Posts posted by Cityonhill93

  1. So I can save my game once, but I cannot overwrite my previous save game. The only thing I can do I put a number after the save name (1, 2, 3, 5), and I also cannot delete old save games. At least one of the two features (Though I would recommend both)should be added in before the release.

  2. It seems that whenever I play a ground mission, I loose more men than actually died in mission. For example, I lost 1 man in the progress of a mission, but when I get to the mission complete screen, it says I lost 3. I'm not sure if this was intentional (they eventually succomb to their wounds?) but it bugs me a little bit. I feel like I did well, and then it says I lost 3 dudes instead of 1....not a good feeling.

  3. Hey guys, first of all, great game. You have the core of the game down and it's awesome. As I was playing however, I've thought of a few things that could be neat features to add to the game.

    The first thing I would probably add, is a squad system. What I mean is, when I deploy me Chinook on a mission, I always divide my men into fire-teams of about 3. When 2 fire-teams get near each other, it is difficult to remember who is in what fire-team. The way I see this being accomplished, is by changing the color of the arrow above the soldiers head. For example, fire-team 1 could be white, 2 blue, 3 red, and so on. You should be able to put as many men in a fire-team as you want. So you COULD have everybody in one, but it would also make it easier for people like me to keep people in their groups. If it was up to me, you would set fire-teams on the same screen that is currently used to arrange men in the chopper.

    A second idea that could be kind of interesting, is having soldiers become specialized with a weapon as they use it more and more. So a specialized rifleman would be more accurate, and be able to shoot for less energy points, than a beginning rifleman would. The same would go for snipers, machine gunners...etc accordingly.

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