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Posts posted by Calico

  1. Yep, thats pretty much what i would do too, if a mod seems unplayable (Rimworld with it's rather huge modpacks tends to cause problems too). Clean install, start fresh. But since my problems pretty much vanish with the first techupgrades, i'll forego the procedure this time, unless any other problems emerge. So far things are running good enough, 3 Bases, plenty of research done, few losses, steady income. If i do manage to squeeze another playtrough in before february the 5th, i'll wipe everything, redownload and start on a higher difficulty.

    Great mod, thx for all the time and effort.

  2. Triple checked the mod order (and started a new game) just to be on the safe side. Still nothing in the workshop or on the to buy list in the hangar. I do get the Air combat notification text, mentioning the ability to build fast long range Interceptors (i guess thats the MIG 25) and the Balloons.

    Noticed even more weird stuff with the test game. The start funding is 1,5 million (instead of the 2 million mentioned in XMC Part 1) and i'm also missing is the basic Jeep you're supposed to get from the start. So whatever it is, it seems to revolve around the start of the game. Everything else after that seems to be working perfectly fine, aside from a few usual typos and a few missing tooltips.

    All in all i'm having great fun. Maybe i just got a screwed up download or something. If nobody else with similar problems shows up i'm totally ok with leaving it how it is and blaming myself for messing things up. Thx for the fast response.

  3. Just registered to say tyvm for this awesome mod. Feels pretty much vanilla just with more content. I think i spend 3-4 hours decideing on which mod to use for my second playthrough and now i can say it feels like i made the right decision choosing XMC.

    One question regarding the Mig-25 and the Balloon: Are they only avaiable at the start of the game? Just lost a Balloon to a patrol and it seems i can't replace it. And when buying new Fighters it seems i cannot buy any MIG 25. I thought them a neat supplement for my lower range Condors. (Clean install, Mod order as instructed, CE 0.34.1, Steam Version of Xenonauts)

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