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Posts posted by PheonixKnight

  1. a %5 chance of one spawning in the pool so about one in twenty soldiers would be stronger and the code would be one line to the game for that part two lines to it if he adds the monthly timer on it

    Mook i love the Harlock avy he makes drinking milk seem bad ass but i guess when the guy doing it also steps outside his ship into the vacuum of space with no suit to steer his ship and let lasers used for taking out battleships make a small cut on his cheek anything looks bad ass

  2. i was checking on how to change a unit but it has been removed

    Adding or removing an in-game item or unit

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    This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.

    12:49, 3 December 2011 Chris (Talk | contribs) deleted "Adding or removing an in-game item or unit" ‎ (content was: "7MVl2v <a href="http://eyekxeblbodw.com/">eyekxeblbodw</a>")

  3. the Xenonauts are to be the best in the world yet as the commander we have no choice in who is sent to us i would like a way to be able to pick out who i want from a roster before hiring them.

    if i ran a mission and lost my scout and the replacement i got has a low AP i have to fire and rehire until i get one who fits what im looking for.

    all that would be needed is the stats and a list of 5-10 random people. it shouldnt add more than about three to six lines of code and one very basic GUI to see the diffrent soilders and stats along with a way to choose who you want.

  4. i know it would be a big chore but could we mod the graphics at all like adding tiles or even modding the soilders themselves so say if the modders wanted to make females we could. if we can change that we could add ships to fit our setting we come up with and im sure anything that you really like for a mod could be used as an update to the game itself.

  5. being on the dark side of the moon they wouldnt get any signals from earth at all unless they had something set up maybe on the twilight to catch the signal but otherwise the moon itself wold block all signals that they would have picked up

  6. i just has a UFO over north america i sent my two F17s after it then after they chased a while i sent my MIG32. before my MIG32 caught up the F17s intercepted the UFO and destroyed the craft but after it went back to the geoscape it tells me "UFO has escaped to space".

    i know its minor but ill keep reporting any little thing i run across to help make the beta better in hopes your game does VERY well and your able to keep up the work.

  7. i wish there was a save i could give you but it seems you cant save durring ground combat so ill try to explain as best as i can.

    i had three people on the lower half of the screen one moved up and spotted an alien so i had him fire he hit but didnt kill it. so i moved another person up who shot the first in the back. then i moved the third a little lower so he wouldnt hit anyone then fired hitting the alien it still didnt die.

    well i had five more people up top the first one i moved out and fired, it the shot missed so i moved someone else and fired that shot missed as well, so i moved up a third the shot traveled almost the width of the map hitting the alien then it froze the bullet in its head. i belive the music froze on the note when it crashed then i had no choice but to close the program to do anything.

    i dont know if it matters but there was fog of war between the ones on the upper part of the map and the alien on the lower part but i didnt see it when i fired the shots

    i always save ground combat when it starts but not seeing a way to do so i cant give you the set up otherwise i would have tried to see if i could recreate the problem save it then send it to you.

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