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Posts posted by Merlon

  1. This looks great, but since you asked, here are some thoughts: :)

    About the reload quickslot. Would this also allow for a selectionbox like the grenade one? That would allow you to have different ammotypes with rapid switching.

    Stats button: You could potentially combine this with the portrait so that clicking (or hovering over) the portrait brings up the stats.

    The end turn button is a bit close to the soldier 15+16 selectors. Accidents may happen. The traditional turnbased bottom-right corner might be a better place. On the other hand this would split the UI into separate parts.

    Squad statbar: Do we need the hotkey-number of the squadmembers displayed? The reason I'm asking is that a numerical AP display may be equally useful in that location. I feel the bar doesn't tell the whole story as it's based on the individual soldier how many APs that actually make, so a number may help in picking the next soldier to control or deciding to end the turn.

    The AP/HP/Morale bars: I'm not sure we actually need the numbers on the HP and morale bar, just the AP number is critical. With this in mind you could compress the UI a bit if you wanted, for instance by turning the bars vertical with the AP number on top/bottom (or perhaps portrait-frame bottom left?). The exact HP and morale should probably still be available on mouseover though. Less numbers to sift through would make it easier to keep tabs on the only one we can actively manage. (AP)

  2. Wow, the next(ish) version is going to be great!

    UFO picture

    I think I'd prefer the ufos to have their picture taken from the same angle as the actual fight will be. That way the player will immediately think "oh no, that's the type that shot me down last time, better wait for more fighters to catch up". This will also help the player connect the name of the ufo with the image as they are listed together.

    The angled shot is very pretty though.


    I don't think the "escort 1" and "escort 2" labels should be visible when there are no escorts. The appearance of the first escorted ufo will be more of a surprise then. ;)


    I guess you could solve the ammo-question by having it in percent with the possibility of hovering the cursor on the number for a small window containing all the weapons and their ammo. The drawback of doing this would probably be that the player doesn't need to do this elsewhere in the game, so may never try it. A small info-icon could be added next to the ammopercentage to draw the player's cursor in?

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