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Posts posted by kmdcomp

  1. I like the idea of the abduction missions, but I also liked the idea someone else had about allowing the alien non combatants to repair the UFO and escape back into space. Maybe that would work as another way to spice up the early scout missions. Similar to what you are already suggesting with the abduction missions, this would be the exception, rather than the rule.

    Every once in awhile when you shoot down a scout, it's only slightly damaged and the entire crew survives. The crew engineers go out with tool kits that work the same way as health kits, but they add points to the ships health. Maybe the ship needs 500 points of repair and the engineers expend their AP's and tool kit resources fixing it. Once the ship is ready to fly, all living aliens must be on board for it to take off.

    The alien warriors wouldn't want to venture very far from the ship in such a case, so they would be pretty dug in around the ship and the player could advance pretty quickly to find the ship. The player could kill any hope of escape by blowing up the ships engine, but if a soldier was caught inside when it took off, the player would lose that soldier, or maybe, even set up a future rescue mission to get that solder back.......

  2. For all I know, this has been suggested before or is already in play, but I got to thinking the other night, how would humans react if they were shot down over enemy territory? They would send out an alert and await rescue, doing what they could to survive in the mean time.

    If there were enough of them, they would send out scouts to give some warning if the enemy was coming and from what direction. These would be encountered far away from the crashed ship.

    If numbers permitted, there would be some skirmishers in the middle ranges. These guys would find good cover and fire at range, but if pressed, would retreat.

    Close in, this should be a battle of attrition with the aliens digging in and doing whatever they could to keep the humans away from their ship.

    Just some thoughts.

  3. I played the hell out of V19, but something has noticeably changed in the aliens aggression level in V20. In V19, I loved how well the aliens not only used cover, but would happily dig in and engage in fire fights of attrition with my troops. Now though, they seem obsessed with cover, to the point of seeking out a different covered position, even when they already had a good covered location and firing arc, rather than shooting at my guys, who can basically walk right out into the open without much fear of drawing fire. Reaction shots are now more dangerous and likely than direct fire as the aliens are more likely to just look for another covered location during their turn.

    Anyway, loving the game, you guys are doing an awesome job, just wanted to throw this out there as something that I noticed.

  4. I played the demo, but I don't think I'm going to get the game just yet. The tactical battles just feel too much like a sliding obstacle course. I like a big battle field, where the enemy could be anywhere.

    I think it's slick as hell and is probably a lot of fun in it's own right, but it's just not the kind of game experience I'm looking for right now. I can almost guarantee though that I'll pick it up some time this winter when I'm bored.

  5. " I'm not for sale and neither is Kenshi, I will never allow it to be controlled or rushed out the door to meet a deadline.

    I spend my life playing games, and anyone my age can relate to the feeling that "games just aren't what they used to be". You no longer get games made with the same love and ambition as you used to, as the industry has grown heavy-duty publishers have taken over and its all become about making money. Game design decisions are manipulated and controlled by investors, not by designers. Why risk all that money on a unique idea or a hardcore niche market when we can just make another sequel to a plain old shooter and make millions? Innovation is discouraged in favour of crowd-pleasing graphics and casual shooters with quicktime events. If we're lucky and get a sequel to an old classic, it'll probably get remade into a 1st person shooter."

    That alone is enough to get me to throw this guy $100.

    I love this trend in crowd sourcing and what it can do for small developers. Even if just a few of them actually turn out something that can be a commercial success, it shows that a game doesn't have to be worth millions to be worth the effort of making.

  6. Chris, I just want to say what you guys are doing is just incredible. Everything from the obvious commitment, the quality of the work, and the ways this project is being funded just blow me away. It gives me a lot of hope for the future of computer games in genres that have been largely ignored by the big boys for the last decade in favor of, mostly, RTS and FPS and a sprinkling of RPG's of a particular type.

    I look forward to the completion of this project and can’t wait to see what you have planned next!

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