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Posts posted by rretzbach

  1. Hi,

    this is a low priority logical error in my opinion:

    After finishing the first ground mission and before your chinook returned to base you can research "Alenium".

    But without having Alenium at the base, it shouldn't be possible to research it.

    To fix this, research of new alien technology should only be possible, when the chinook - which transports the scientific relevant cargo to allow the research of new alien technology - arrived at its homebase or another base.

    Another point about research conditions: If one of your base has Alenium, but another base has none, should that other base be able to research Alenium? Maybe at a slower speed. Maybe you have to send a bit of Alenium to that other base before research can start.

    Best regards


  2. I've read that this bug was confirmed already. But please let me give my 2ct :>

    Here is how I reproduce it:

    Precondition: [Xenonauts V8.62] Start a new instance of Xenonauts (this is important!) and have a savegame with at least one available, not currently researched Research project ready, also have at least one unassigned scientist

    1. Load that save game

    2. Start the research project (lets use Alenium as concrete example)

    3. Assign at least one scientist to Alenium

    4. Load the previously loaded save game AGAIN (yes the previously game is unsaved and will be lost)

    5. Start researching the project Alenium again

    6. Observe that the number of already assigned scientists is exactly the same as in the previously unsaved game

    7. Observe that the number of unassigned scientists is the correct number for that save game

    8. Close Xenonauts and reload the savegame, everything works as expected


    a) When starting Xenonauts and loading a savegame, both the number of assigned scientists and unassigned scientists is correct.

    b) When switching between game states by loading a savegame the number of assigned scientists is "remembered" for each project but should be changed by loading a savegame

    Best regards


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