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Posts posted by Joeneren

  1. In the game "Evil Genius" you could place henchmen on the map in various region, asking them to steal money and other things. This generated "Heat" with that region - the higher the heat level, the bigger chance that the region would kill your henchmen and send people to attack your evil base of operations.

    The heat could either be from the aliens or the government. The aliens would not be fond of agents running around trying to locate their secret bases. As Sathra mentioned, the government in that region might get increasingly annoyed with secret agents running around 'flashing' their populace and generally not knowing what their goals are (it could be a foreign agent posing as a M.I.B., which would tie into the cold war theme).

    I think it would have to be a choice whether to use agents or not. Perhaps they have a monthly cost, but can give some of the above benefits. If they have an upkeep cost, the agents shouldn't solely give a bonus to monthly payments.

    If an agent is killed, there should be a reason why you can't dispatch a new one straight away, or a penalty to doing so. Perhaps the MIB organization has to train or dispatch another one, or when you hire an agent, there is also a one-time payment besides the upkeep.

    Ah yes Evil Genius! *fond thoughts of the mission where you clubbed baby seals*

    I'm gonna dig that game up now, i HAVE to play it a bit :) now if i could only remember where the heck i put it.....

  2. Does anyone else have these problems or is my game corrupt even though i have verified the files as intact through Desura.

    Is it possible to un-install the game and then re-install through one's Desura account without jeopardising the pre-order status ?


    I uninstalled it and reinstalled just fine (kept telling me it was updating, when there was no update) Just make sure to ONLY remove it from computer and NOT from Desura and it should work just fine :)

    Hope it helps.

  3. (Rubbing temples) Wow, you see that IS what I pay for. I am a customer paying for a product and I am paying more than others. By default I should get first crack. The game will get completed either way. My point is if there is a Xenonauts: Terror from the Deep I will be getting the standard preorder seeing as how they get preferential treatment by spending less. As for Desura, still only 8.1 as of 10:30 last night CST.

    *rubbing temples*(see what i did there?) nowhere was it written that getting first crack at it was a part of the premium package...... just said that you could pay more if you felt the project was worth it. So no premium preorderers do not get first crack at the builds. And if you wanna go regular on a future project, then so be it. Just... maybe read what your agreeing to?

  4. well i lvled the sith to lvl 24 and that was sort of where i got fed up with it, then went BH and got that to lvl 22. what i loved about BH was the mobility and the awesomeness of the arsenal that class packs :) also the ability to constantly wave my high fees in the faces of my employers hehe and it was not a human so the general attitude was: you alien scum... errr i mean dear highly skilled mercenary plz help me hide my own incompetence..... pretty plz.... loads of credits if you do! :D

  5. My only problem was the general 'buggyness' (and it IS stil beta) tbh, miles ahead of any of the other mmo's i play/ed. Tried out imperial side as i am gonna roll republic at launch and let me tell you: bounty hounter is effin' awesome! tried a sith marauder as well but that didn't impress me as much as the BH tbh. I like that you can go solo or group at your leisure and i found the space combat to be a lot more enjoyable than i expected :)

    Well gonna go sleep untill the next patch is released as I am massively sleep-deprived ;) (slept like 12-16 hours from friday to tuesday morning lol)

  6. My wife got invited too ... I didn't. :(

    But I plan to hijack her account, so it's all good! ;)

    hahaha, here is what i'd do: lots of alcohol and chocolates. Perfect drugs when trying to keep the ladies from aggroing on account of the games ;) and conveniently they fall in the category that WON'T get you in trouble with the authorities ;)

    Edit: remember that she can't drive though... otherwise SHE'D get in trouble with said authorities :D

    Edit to the edit: Although that COULD work in your favor if they kept the weekend over..... lol

  7. Yesterday I put Skyrim aside and found myself playing Xenonauts. Just goes to show that the best things can come in small folders. :o

    Word! I also find me self winding a bit down again (Skyrim-shakes are subsiding nicely) and looking forward to being a server stress-tester on The Old Republic this weekend.

  8. DERP!! gotta start enchanting stuff.... have a ton (most likely litterally) of stuff to disenchant.

    I'll go dualwield in any game that lets me xD somewhat ambidextruos IRL so that has always appealed to me the most.

    .... wait, pick-axe, how would that be useful?? trap the soul of ore?

  9. Just can't get over how satisfying it is to walking up to a bandit in a newly discovered dungeon and run him through if your first attack.

    Well great fun to be sure, i'm more partial to letting out a sharp whistle to let him/her/it know i'm there and then just do a dualwield power ataack that lobs of the suckers head! Then look down with glee and say: How you like me now sucka!! (possibly following it up with evil laughter, but that's optional)

  10. I have skyrim sitting on my desk but as yet uninstalled. Frankly I'm too scared to do it until we've got the press build done!

    You, sir are a wise man ideed! :) You have something to look forward to m8!

  11. Lvl 16 khajiit here :D still haven't even been to all the keeps yet xD huge world to explore, me liiike

    Edit: the nordic accent is terrible though! but not to a degree that prevents me from playing ;)

  12. Do we really care? Fact is that they are here and they want to steal our cookies, and we can't let that happen!

    2nd theory: The aliens are time travelers from the year 2011. They saw how messed up we are, traced the problems back to the late 70's and decided to go back in time there in order to stop the events of the next 30-40 years from happening.

    Yeah i saw First Contact and it sucked, so deffinately not that plz. :)

  13. rebonjour

    pourquoi personne ne me repond

    moi aussi je n ai plus le courriel de xenonauts.com donc je ne puis acceder a desura pour avoir le jeu

    j ai ecrit a CHRIS mais pas de reponse si je fais pas comme il faut donnez moi la marche a suivre svp


    How in the world can the assumption be that french is a new international language?? Not trying to be rude or anything but that just seems presumptious.....

    anyway, hope you get an answer to whatever that was about! :)

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