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Posts posted by SolyomCsaba

  1. I have seen a couple of times that shots from Machine Guns/Scatter Laser/etc. can go through walls, and even suppress people and aliens on the other side of walls.


    Guy with scatter laser near the door to the right shoots the Ceasan - damaging and suppressing both the alien and my specialist on the other side of a wall.


    The selected machine gunner shot and killed the alien near the wall, suppressing the unit to the right, on the other side of the fence.

    In both instances, the walls were undamaged, but the shells and their effects went right through.

    Unfortunately I don't have saved positions for either of these events, closest ones were several turns away. But I think it should be pretty easy to reproduce (I've seen it 4-5 times during my 35+ hour time with the game).

  2. Hello,

    Situation: Daylight terror mission (Sebilians and Reapers). Insane difficulty. No mods.

    After reading around on the forums I see that this issue has been around for a while... Unfortunately it still happens to me in the latest mainstream patch. I have tried loading earlier saves of the same mission, but after a number of turns, the same issue happens, even if I start from the beginning. I also tried reloading just before I sent out the strike team to the mission site, to generate another mission. That was also Sebilian+Reaper. Also bugged.

    I also checked integrity on Steam, did not help.

    Edit: Task Manager shows the game as "running" when it is frozen.

    Link to my save files:


    Any ideas on how I can get around this problem? I'm not too keen on ignoring a terror mission, but if that's the only way, so be it. But I'm kinda worried that this problem will come up on any future terror missions with the same enemy configurations.

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