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Posts posted by max20077

  1. 1) Download the .pfp unpacker and copy the xen_unpack and xen_unpack_log .bats as well as the node folder to your xenonauts/assets directory.

    2) Copy the xen_unpack .bat file and paste it *as a shortcut* in the assets folder.

    3) Right-click on the shortcut you just made and go to 'properties'.

    4) In the 'target' field, add a space at the end and then: GC_UnitsXML.pfp. Click apply and ok.

    5) Run the shortcut. It will open with a command console and if everything is running correctly will begin displaying output of the files being unpacked. Leave it until it finishes.

    6) The unpacked spectres are now in the assets/units/ folder. You'll be able to find the soldier_spectre .xmls in the relevant armour/weapon combo folders.

    This worked! Thank you very much for taking the time to explain it for me I appreciate it a lot!

  2. I'm trying to implement a weapon and I got the soldier loadout screen part down, the only part I'm having trouble with on this guide is how to make it show up in the soldiers hands on the battlefield. I read that part of the guide and I can't understand what Mikhail is talking bout and how to do what he is talking about. I downloaded the program he linked but I don't know how to use it. Since the instructions on the link and this guide aren't clear enough for me. As for the soldier spectre file he keeps talking about thats where I am getting lost at, I can't understand how to do that since the instructions aren't clear enough for me.

    Basically what I am trying to accomplish is use the Pistol spectre I guess and apply it for the weapon that is a pistol but use the games vanilla pistol spectres for it. But i'm getting stuck at how to make the soldier_spectre file Mikhail keeps talking bout for my weapon, and I don't even know how to use the program he linked since the instructions there aren't too helpful there either. Can anyone please help me?

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