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Posts posted by IceVamp

  1. That's not very impressive.. (I'm a fire emergency responder.) I dare say that it is probably a falsehood planted by Chuck Norris' vexing enemies! I heard he could put out a blazing inferno, using methane gas!

  2. Actually, if I met a farmer and he didn't have a shotgun or rifle I'd think it was very strange indeed.

    Most people of the previous generation that live close to nature, or more rural areas have shotguns and rifles where I'm from. You need to pass a hunter's test to be able to purchase them. Handguns are very limited though, only gun club members in good standing can get a permit to own one, never carry.

  3. Same in Norway really. Acts of self defence should not exceed the amount of damage taken from, or possible to receive from the assault. But I think you'll be charged no matter what though. If a guy punches you and the police sees it, they'll charge the offender. You can't go "I don't want to press charges."

  4. You mean this is something that will preface your videos?

    Kinda depends on what videos you're making. In my opinion though, it's too long. There is not enough happening to justify the length of it. If the music was more up beat and there were sound effects accompanying the letters I think it would be better.

    I'd fade to black immediately after the letters disappear, and have more up beat music.

    The credits for the music and video are a bit big as well, but that might be a deal between you and them, I dunno.

  5. The problem with this is that it would crash with the whole premise of the game, as to why a small organization is being trusted with this responsibility. They're the only ones who've managed to do it so far when the game starts. Xenonauts have modified their jet to become the F-17, and with it they successfully managed to down UFO's. They tell the world governments that they can stop the aliens, but they need income. Facing annihilation, the world complies.

    This is not my interpretation, but a paraphrasing of Goldhawk's fluff. You can read it on the kickstarter page actually.

  6. Actually walking on coal isn't that impressive, because coal doesn't transfer energy very well. If you walked over a steel plate at the same temperature as coals ready for the grill, I'd be very very impressed. And grossed out. And you'd probably die if you didn't manage to get off it. That would be sad.

    Now, I've never walked on smoldering coals, but the science behind it is perfectly reasonable.

  7. While I'm reluctant to engage in topics that could land me a scalding, the girl was not an ex of mine, just a friend. I don't know if we could get involved beyond physical gratification. I suspect I'm way too nice for her.

    I wish to extend my congratulations to thotkins for his second Raccoon Stamp of Approval, it was obviously well deserved. I'd also like to inform him that I share his pain, I find people frustrating too.

  8. Continously fireing DOES improve your chances to hit...because your gun is already poitning and you're spewing bullets..also you can adjust your aim more easily with a sustained barrage.

    We were talking about accuracy. It's not the same as chance. I'm going to assume you do not have a lot of experience firing combat rifles, because in my experience, all of the above is just false.

    If you're caught in the open..sucks.. But if someone is going full-auto while you are in the open, you are in a pickle either way. You can run for cover, but if you do in a straight line, it's not that hard for the enemy to lead your shots. If you zig-zag, you spend more time under fire. So you're boned either way.

    True, except the "not hard" part. It is hard, and takes a skilled marksman to hit diagonally moving target, especially on full auto.

    Getting the supression mechanic to work in a turn-based games is hard. I'd go and say impossible.

    If we want to talk realism, you'd be in far greater danger in the moment you are leaving cover then when you are sprinting. But there's no way to model that, because the combatants take shots in turns, rather than continiously. And applying a "to-hit bonus" (or evasion penalty) only when the other guy is leaving cover is unfeasable... Hmm...maybe if we're talking about reaction fire, but supression may eat all TU'.

    Yeah, that's what's making this discussion so long. For all we know Goldhawk has already settled on a system. :P

    How about this - supression eats half TU's and the other half is used for reacton fire IF the enemy moves.

    The bonus to hit depends on the distance from the enemeis original position. The further away from the position he was supressed he moves, the safer he is.

    So basicly:

    supressed unit

    - if in cover, no to-hit bonus for the enemy

    - if caught by reaction fire when moving while supressed, enemy gets bonus to hit (dependent on the distance from the soldiers original position)?

    I don't want suppression to be an action either, like I've stated many times. I think a dynamic suppression system would be a lot more "realistic" and fun to use, albeit harder to balance. I don't know if I can convince you that it could be a lot better, but yeah. :)

  9. Ah, yes! I only played the second one. It was pretty awesome though.

    If you look at the Kickstarter video you can see a lot of medals that Goldhawk has designed already. I see some of the names we suggested in the beginning of this thread. It's at 3:16

  10. Yes, but that applies to when you're in cover, and if you could only suppress units that were in cover, I'd be a lot more on board on your interpretation. Imagine you get shot at, and for some reason, you can't hit the dirt, and you have no cover. You don't stand still, unless you're in shock.

    Continuously firing does not improve accuracy, firing at a moving target is not easier than a stationary one, vision gets impaired by all the smoke etc.

    Of course it's possible Goldhawk will settle for a solution where you only suppress units in cover, and that it's an action to do so, though I hope not. If that's the case, this would be fair solution, though I would include sight range loss and accuracy loss for the suppressed. Along with no accuracy bonus :P

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