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Posts posted by clench

  1. nonono. The planes are perfect right now. Don't make it easier.

    Clench you need to do all the ground missions you can and disassemble the crafts. Corvettes will drop torp weapons BTW if that is what you're looking for more of.

    It's not even that it's too hard. It's too slow. The rate at which you gain aircraft parts does not keep up with the rate at which you gain aircraft, other tech, or the rate your guys gain experience.

    It's tedious to do 3-4 missions every time UFOs spawn. Getting access to basic torpedo planes a little easier could help cut out some of the tedium and also help jump start the player's early aircraft part economy.

    It's hard to get parts from corvettes without any torpedoes.

    Right now I have no troubles in my game getting alienum and alloys, I have shrikes, tanks, wave weapons, armors, etc, etc

    My main squad is LTs or higher, but I've only managed to find 3 torpedo weapons.

    My suggestion instead of having it so you can craft the parts is maybe to have the alien bases provide a good quantity of them. The alien UFO are always landing at the bases so it makes sense that spare parts would be in the bases too.

  2. Getting parts for new planes is really too difficult.

    By the time the aliens are flooding me with waves of terror ships, I can barely afford one of the cheapest torpedo planes, if that, let alone the planes my tech allows. Getting torpedo weapons to drop is the biggest bottleneck.

    I've tried two play throughs so far and both became so tedious with the amount of terror missions I had to combat. My combat teams were constantly depleted and not gaining any resources because terror missions generally have lots of mobs but give almost no resources.

    I think there really needs to be a way to craft the basic aircraft components, it gets really tedious only having the resources to field one squadron with torpedoes.

    Maybe I'm missing something? Do certain missions or alien crafts have higher chances to drop components?

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