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Posts posted by merlinme

  1. Thanks for the explanation - yeah, I was oversimplifying because usually ICBA to work it out properly.

    All other thing being near enough equal, bursts do seem to make more sense. If you have your 71% probability of a 1 hit from 3 rounds verses a hypothetical 71% chance of a hit with an aimed single shot, the two usually being about the same in TUs in my game so far, then the burst makes more sense. The single shot offers a maximum of one hit whereas the 3-round burst offers the possibility, even if small, of more.

    Well, yeah, but if you fire three times as many shots, you run out of ammunition three times as fast. Even if you have plenty of spare ammo, taking the time to reload is painful when you have a Reaper bearing down on you.

    My rule of thumb is: if you have a high hit probability and you must kill an alien, then use burst fire. The classic case is when you rush an alien with a rifle armed Xenonaut. If you have no-one else who can take out the alien if your Xenonaut misses, then definitely use burst fire. Don't die wondering whether one more shot would have given you a hit, or a second hit would have given you a kill. But blazing away your ammunition from range with a 20% probability of hitting is usually pointless, and if you run out of ammo at a bad moment, can be positively dangerous.

  2. Thanks. The LOS is odd, because I'm very close to the mind controlled Xenonaut and I have 360 degree vision. But I've tried moving the other Xenonaut around and I agree it doesn't seem to specifically to do with mind control, it's just due to some unexpected LOS. Is this because the square immediately to the left of the mind controlled Xenonaut is considered to be part of the spaceship and to completely block LOS? This is not obvious from the graphics, where I was assuming that the tiles either side of the door was free for LOS purposes. In effect the outside wall of the spaceship seems to go in just outside the door, so you get this sort of effect (where XX marks the door):


    __| |__

    In practice this seems to mean it is hard to see units just outside the door unless you're almost on top of them.

  3. Thanks Chris. Is it going to be possible to fix the two bugs I reported in the previous stable candidate release thread? http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/12474-Xenonauts-V1-5-Stable-CANDIDATE-4-%288th-December%29-Released!

    I provided save files. There's one where the game consistently hangs when I shoot a Reaper and it turns to face me. There's another with a LOS issue where I cannot see a mind controlled Xenonaut I should be able to see at the start of my turn. The mind controlled Xenonaut "appears" when I move.

  4. Maybe "double speed" is helpful on the tactical combat, but I think having multiple speed options is pointless.

    I've attached some save games:


    is a reproducible bug where if you shoot the Reaper then the Reaper turns to face the pistol + shield Xenonaut and the game hangs, every time.


    is where one of my Xenonauts has been mind controlled but is only two tiles away from another Xenonaut, so should be in line of sight of the other Xenonaut. However the line of sight does not seem to update until I actually move. I should be able to shoot the mind controlled Xenonaut immediately, but I have nothing to shoot at until I move the other Xenonaut one tile.


    I was trying to show how if you have a Time units number showing because you clicked once to consider a move and then hit End Turn, the number doesn't refresh properly until you refresh the screen by scrolling or whatever. This save game doesn't seem to show that, however it shows an even weirder graphics effect where you reload the save game and it is showing the ground level of the space ship but without the floor properly filled in, there is grass inside the spaceship. It should be showing the third level of the space ship. You can't actually see the Xenonaut who is supposed to be selected. If I select a Xenonaut or the tank or the height level the graphics issue sorts itself out though, so this is a relatively minor issue.

    Hope that's helpful. Hope you enjoyed your holiday, and keep up the good work!











  5. Hi, I've been enjoying my 1.5 game as I attempt to win on Veteran. I like pretty much all the changes except the speed changes in air tactical combat. What's the point? Air tactical combat is over quickly anyway.

    I have had a couple of issues with Reapers on the Carrier map. On one occasion a Reaper appeared from nowhere on an upper level (with several of my team waiting for reflex shots) and killed two of my team. I'm still not 100% sure what happened, I had very little visual feedback, it's possible I guess that the Reaper was waiting where I couldn't see it, it was someone in Predator armour who died first, but the way I experienced it was that the Reaper appeared from nowhere and killed two highly experienced members of my team. This was not fun.

    There was also a definite bug where the game hung as I tried to shoot a Reaper on the Carrier map. I would say in passing that the Cruiser map (the aliens get all the cover in the last room) is a lot more scary than the Carrier map (my troops get all the cover as they enter the last rooms). But for the actual bug, I will see if I can attach the save game, as it seems to be a consistent hung game.

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