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Posts posted by ozzy

  1. Ok. I found half a bottle of cognac, got a tiny bit drunk and decided to register and start a new thread.

    So, sorry - I'm kind of sure this has been stated previously.

    A little bit about me:

    Got a few favourite games of all times: Fallout 2, Privateer, Civilization, X-Com - Enemy Unknown (the original)

    So. When I heard about the new X-com game I was all fired up. Spent probably about a hundred hours playing it. Loved the game. Now, I'm probably what some people would call a Star Citizen fanboy and after watching a lot of Scott Manley videos on Youtube I accidentily found myself watching a Xenonatus video. So all of a sudden, in a couple of days I've probably spent more hours than I spent on the new X-com game in about a month.

    I do think X-com is a great game but still it's really dumded down, probably to appeal to the masses. Yeah, duh.

    To me Xenonauts is THE sequel to the original X-com that is actually better than it. So, what more can I say? Well, that's pretty much it. Just wanted to get it out my system. This game is AWESOME and I love you guys for making it! One of the few games that I'm actually glad for spending my hard earned $$$ on. If the original xcom 1 was on my favourite games of all times-list I guess now Xenonauts will have to take it's place. Having played games for more or less 30 years I think that's really saying something.

    And once again. Sorry for posting in the forum while under the influence.


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