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Posts posted by Frank

  1. Thanks for the guidance! I have definitely been doing things all wrong then, maybe it's a miracle I survived till end game (I assume I'm near the end, since I'm reaching the end of the research tree). I guess I somehow made up for poor air tactics with a good ground force. For the aircraft mini-game, I have actually always used auto-resolve - I will check out those videos to learn how to do it - yes crazy maybe that I'm not doing this in ironman mode! I regularly get my planes destroyed.

    I just built a second marauder (got some cash from destroying two alien bases), presumably I should keep them both in the same base so they can take out anything quickly? Then it seems the next step would be to build corsairs to replace the condors, as another marauder would be too pricey for now.

    Otherwise, since the predator armour I find the game has become quite a bit easier, even with the aliens getting tougher...three guys in predator armour with some background support can go around and handle pretty much anything (so far).

  2. Hi all,

    I'm playing my first real game and since it's veteran / iron mode I cannot really experiment, and am struggling with the air battles. I did two practice runs before but stopped at an early tech stage, so the past months I didn't know what to expect, which was quite fun.

    I'm doing quite well on the ground (a few soldiers with Predator armour + Plasma Caster really ensures superiority!) but not in the air. To give an idea of where I'm at, I just encountered my first Wraiths. I have only just built a first X-59 Marauder. Besides that I have 6 Condors and 1 Foxtrot spread over 3 bases, so very poor for this stage of the game, and still only have the starting Corsair. I just lost a second continent and keep on getting waves of 5, 6, 7 UFOs and I fail to shoot down many of them. Speed and fuel is an issue to get to all of them. I'm also having money troubles, spent too much outfitting my soldiers I guess.

    I realize I made some poor decisions with the aircraft but don't want to start over again, hoping I can still succeed with this setup. How would you suggest I spread the aircraft over the bases? And for a potential next game, what should the aircraft line up be...decommission the condors at an earlier stage? Also, shall I go for that communications tech to identify which UFOs can be taken down with just a Marauder? I reckon that might help...

    So far really enjoying this game (was an early backer and only got round to it now), I played tons of x-com so although some things are new most of it is pretty familiar. Especially loving the ground tactics. My last game a random soldier with a heavy weapon went berserk in turn two, nothing had happened yet, killed one of my senior soldiers. What I love and hate about this game!

    Thanks all!


  3. Favourite strategy games:

    X-Com - although quite easy preferred it over TFTD (terror missions too long and sometimes couldn't find the last alien)

    MOO and MOO2

    Warlords (so simple but so much fun)

    Dune and Dune 2

    Starcraft 1 and 2

    All old games but aside from Starcraft 2 no newer strategy games intrigued me much...so very much looking forward to the finished Xenonauts.

  4. Hi,

    I encountered the following two bugs during Ground Combat mode which I did not see yet in other Forum posts:

    1. Crash: One of my men got stuck after opening a door and wouldn't move (known bug). But when trying to throw a grenade at an alien from just inside the door it landed on himself and the game crashed (not very smart but it's bug-testing after all!)

    2. Freeze: I clicked end turn and the game froze. Not sure what caused it, perhaps related to several things burning on-screen at the same time, or clicking too soon just after moving a tank.



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