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Posts posted by Kaosu

  1. A debug tool is great news.

    It took some time to happen again but here is a save of a hanging hidden movement. Just press end turn and there will be shooting, someone will die if the alien is good and it hangs there. Reloaded a few times and its hanging everytime:


    A save from the landing if it helps. It does not always hang, I had to try several times until I got it again, but it's always in the second or third hidden fase.


  2. edit: latest stand alone version

    1) I'm getting the CTD when trying to equip my custom Assault loudout. Was working fine when I started the game but now it always crash.

    2) When I try to equipe the other loadouts with laser weapons it displays a message "#####" and the weapon disapear. I don't have more in the storeroom and the quantity there remains zero. I have an extra laser battery in the loadout and the same behaviour occurs, only this time I have some batteries in the storeroom and the quantity is subtracted by 1 everytime I equip the loadout, even if the soldier already have one in the backpack.

    3) While I was writing this I noticed that if I unequip one laser weapon it goes to the storeroom correctly and increases one in the quantity but when I reequip it it's not subtracting, basically giving me an infinite amount of weapons and grenades. Laser battery works normally.

    the savegame:


    I can reproduce it every time, if my text is not clear I can try to explain it better.

  3. Same thing happened to me, twice with a medium ufo landed in the farm tileset (corvette i think) and one just now in a terror site. One thing I found in common is that the cyberdisk was present in all of them, I could hear the barrage of shots during the hidden fase. I can get the save file if it helps.

    edit: I could finish the terror mission and there was not a cyberdisk thingy, so disregard that part.

  4. Happened twice in different missions with scouts (not light scouts) in middle east tileset, the external door can't be open, the aliens can leave the UFO but I can't enter.

    I got around that by shooting it with the machine gun, then the door is destroyed and I can enter and finish the mission.

    First time I tought it happened because of explosions from rockets but the second time I don't remember using explosives. It might be related to damage to the doors triggering the bug.

  5. It started around UFO 16, not sure about what triggered it. The pop-up stopped showing and I couldn't click on them, they still fly around and disappear normally.

    Earlier I just lost a F17 for a scout and was finishing crafting the MIG. Built a third radar also that finished some time earlier. Also had an injured soldier that I assign to the chinok, but I think that's another bug.

    Tried to load the game earlier and remake my steps but didn't seem to trigger it again.

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