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Posts posted by Mylar

  1. "I dont get it......, x-com had 2megs of memory, pixels.... and it had animation with soldiers...... so why do you need 2 old servers together to render pixels? im confused.... woulnt any semi recent computer do it?

    i mean the built so far is like 500megs, so where is this number crunching needed than a 4cores computer cant do?

    so what kind of kit the people who make battlefield 3 and oblivion use?

    i am just baffled.....

    There is a huge difference between having a skilled bitmap artist sit down and knock out hundreds of sprite sheets for game animations bitwise (xcom) and having 3d models of people holding 3d models of weapons which you then render and then take pixel images of to create your spritesheets. (this game)

    When you watch a cutscene or game intro (or modern movie) with crazy detailed 3d environments and high poly count models, transparency effects, moving light sources, and it is all running at real time.... yeah, you are not (in general) watching that actually being computed and sent to screen.

    We are getting closer to real time rendering at that level, but are not there yet without crazy hardware...

    The rendering is done on a machine made for it, the frames are recorded in a video format, and then played as video which consumer level hardware can handle.

    I run dual quadro fx 4800s in my rendering box, which I also use for some gaming, but the drivers and hardware have subtle differences that make my rendering PC great at producing 3d images a frame at a time, which can later be turned into STUNNING 3d video when played in real time, but not so great for gaming. Those same differences make the off the shelf $200 gaming video cards absolutely blow my setup away for gaming performance at 6% of the cost.

  2. Earl Grey...

    Twinings or Jacksons?

    Well, I guess thats not the same argument it was five years ago...

    Now I guess it would be Twinings Earl Lemonade (after the reformulation) or Jackson's bastard ceylon son (after the buyout).

    Lucky for me, in the midwest of the US, the Twinings on the shelves is still the classic blend, or at least close enough that my redneck Missourian palate is unable to discern the variance.

    Then there are all the pretenders, some of which are ok.

    My wife really likes Republic of Tea's "Earl Greyer", but I have not had the chance to try it yet.

  3. So just played my first full mission, had the default loadout, snipers with a pistol and grenade to get them into position, no grenades on the rest of the troops...

    I had cleared the map, the snipers were on a rooftop covering the doorway of the alien shed and the rifle troops were flanking it on the ground floor.

    Shottys open the door took minor damage from reaction fire, drop an alien, put a couple shells into the back wall, and get out of LOS...

    Two bugs still in the hive and now they are looking at the door, don't really want to expose the shotty boys to that reaction fire, so I look to toss in a grenade... the grenades are up on a rooftop with my snipers...

    They can throw the grenade and make it go boom, they can drop the grenade, they cannot toss the grenade to the troops below who have the angle to chuck it into the shed. (at least I did not find a way to do so)

    Not wanting to wait another 8 turns for the sniper to come downstairs, around the building and toss in the grenade, I walked back into LOS and lost a soldier that really had no reason to die other than his own inability to play catch.

    Am I missing the interface button for tossing things to friendlies? Is it not in yet? Is it a planned feature?

    I had characters throw stuff around a LOT in the x-com games, medkits, ammo, armed high explosives.... it would be nice to have that ability in this game.

    Sorry if this is already in and I just managed to totally miss it, or if this is a fully discussed, planned feature and I missed it in my admittedly brief search through the forums.

  4. Easy to love Local Sports Team when you live in St. Louis. Well, other than football, we tend to try and focus on Local Baseball Team and Local Hockey Team. In fact, around here Local University Basketball Team is more popular than Local Professional Football Team, and our lack of Local Professional Baasketball Team means we are immune to the stupidity of National Basketball Association.

    Doh. That last ambiguous term happened to coincide with the actual name of the organization.

    Off topic from the off topic; Chris, mind If I quote and/or linky your statement above about getting out of the tents and doing something useful? It was a concise distillation of my feelings about Local Aimless Protest Group.

  5. When looking at their suggestions to add mods without screwing with the base game files, take a look at Cortex Command.

    Basically 90% of the game is the modding. Spend some time using his system to make your own actor sets, change around some weapons and build a scenario or two.

    The system for that game is far from perfect but it is... expansive. I'm not suggesting you copy it, just that you take time to experiance it and the things a community has done with it before you implement your own.

  6. Caveat, New to this, have not played the game, Stupid paypal.

    Well technically, I have not played the game in it's current state. If you released just the world map and sitrep interface a couple years ago, I think I downloaded that, but that was my last contact with ya'all before the recent media storm. I'm making assumptions based on the previous three games, this might be mechanically impossible on non-applicable.

    The way I would like to do the big ship multi part missions... have them require two teams.

    I'm assuming that by time you are fighting a ship of this size, you will be well into the game, have multiple bases, several strike teams, and generally a lot going on logistically between fights.

    For a ship this size, you would send in two (or more) troop carriers.

    The first team's job would be to create (if needed) and hold the breach. That would be a normal mission, but instead of a whoe ufo somewhere on the map you have a large section of ufo that extends off the map along one or more edge. This team's job is to secure the area, kill any aliens that have escaped from the door/hull breach and then take the entrance to the enemy ship and hold it for X turns. I saw something about you having a take and hold victory condition to avoid "wounded floater hiding in the chimney" syndrome from bogging down gameplay. This would be a perfect use for that system. Once the outside is held it is assumed that that team would contain the ship and deal with any further leaks.

    Then the second team kicks in, interior base style mission with simple entrance area (the breach/door secured by the first team) and whatever crazy interior of the ship shaped space you want to design without worrying about external objects, map sizes, or tileset constraints.

  7. Here are a bunch.

    I like "For all time", "make love not war", "resist", and "Solidaridad".

    "do not let them escape" is perfect, crashed craft and everything. With just a change in weapons and the soldier outline to be a bit more alien this basically describes a normal x-com crash recovery mission. It's a shame this isn't for a TFTD remake, I think that pilot has flippers on.

    "Build a Regular Modern Army to Protect the Socialist State" is very similar to some of the designs bouncing around in the logo/mascot thread.

    I really like Solidaridad's image of the people weaving their efforts together (the basket) to stop the bomb, but having a hard time translating that into something that would apply to an alien invasion.

  8. Something like this

    Thats great, and I envy your alien head, it took me around a dozen tries to get the one I did on the fallout sign to be recognizeable as an alien and still look like it was spraypainted on in a hurry.

    I was not using the fallout shelter sign as a template, the idea was that as word spread about the aliens people would be changing the structures and defenses that already existed to help in the new struggle. So I was looking at taking various cold war era artifacts and imagining how people would have to modify them if the threat suddenly shifted away from the soviets/americans starting WW3.

    Sorry about missing on the whole "secret org" thing, In the original X-coms it never really felt that much like we were keeping the invasion a secret, though that may have been my perception based on my rather odd playstyle. I'm a newcomer to this project, I had seen it here and there, but I've been burned by so many false starts at x-com remakes I was holding off getting excited and made myself ignore y'all till you starting showing up in my various Pulse feeds recently.

    And yeah, obviously the repurposed fallout sign is not a primary logo for the game, I was just taking a bunch of things people had mentioned earlier and glomming them together as a possible line of marketing.

    As far as a game logo goes, does anyone remember the old New World Computing logo, like from the Planet's Edge days... Man that thing was ok on paper, but in motion it as so much better, the sword piercing the planet with the banner scrolling around.

    Say you end up going with one of the planet behind a logo sugestions above...

    Rotating planet in the forefront, two rifles (assult, sniper, laser, whatever) crossed behind it. A little flying saucer ( campy wahwahwah engine noise) floats in from one of the top corners gets shot by one of the weapons as it crosses the path of possible fire. Ufo crash lands on the planet which stops spinning centered on the crash site. The crossed weapons blend into flat grey rectangles and start rotating around the edge of the planet (helicopter starting noise running in the backgrond). The old mission targeting crosshair beeps it's way to sit over the crash site as the chopper blades get up to speed and fade in behind the planet, the helicopter strafing off to one side to emerge from behind the planet. Helicopter shrinks as it nears the crash site, when it reaches it the logo slams down over the planet, forming the logo.

    See there I go again, no suggestion for the logo, jsut something to do with it once you have it. Man I suck at staying on topic.

  9. Some good ideas here, so no claim to originality in my suggestion.

    You are in the middle of the cold war, tensions are high and the superpowers are spending crazy resources to protect themselves from each other, or at least make their citizens feel protected. Suddenly the focus of aggression changes, you no longer have to worry about nukes falling from the skies, enemies are now friends in the face of a new threat.

    There is no time to build a new arsenal customized for the coming war. Military assets are being repurposed for the offense. Civil defense assets would have to undergo a similar shift.


    I'm betting your art guys could make a pretty nice looking version of this. I grabbed the shelter sign image off google images and used paint to modify it, didn't take the time to break out the Gimp since it was just a quick concept post.

    It would tie in well with the recruitment posters mentioned above and 50's style PSA flyers telling people to report alien activity and basically just hide till the Xenonauts come rescue you. For videos you could do some civil defense shorts. I'm guessing it would not be easy to gets the rights to use Bert the turtle from Duck and Cover, but Arnold the Armidillo (or somesuch) would work just as well.

    Like our friend Arnold, you should Arm youself with knowledge of your nearest invasion shelters!

    Like our friend Arnold, you should Always seek cover in case of alien activity!

    See there, Arnold knows better than to try to fight Aliens. He curls into his defensive shell and waits for the Xenonaughts to come clean up those pesky invaders.

    Like Arnold the Armidillo Always says...

    (Armidillo speaking in the governators's voice) Always report Alien Activity!


    Or somesuch, you get the idea.

    The biggest worry here is not stepping on the toes of the marketing for the Fallout series of games.

    Anyway, First post.


    ¿? Mylar the Incomprehensible ¿?


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