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10 Good
  1. Well Kabill! i like what u done so far, but suggestions for weapons. 1. Claymore and Plasmamore if possible to work out the code for a mine. 2. HK G3 and FN FAL in beginning of the game together with AK47 and SVD so we can make real regions on our bases. 3. BioTesla Weapons a "toxic beamweapon" 4. M203 Grenade launcher/Mortar to make it useful as a combined weapon u have to make rifles single handed and the M203 too new seizes on rockets 1x1 for above 5. Sonic stunner. 6. Microwave grenade to take out drones 7. Electrobeam emitters sends a microwave beam to take out UFO.s 8. "M203F" a Flamethrower similar to M203 non weapons 9. Clone soldiers as backup a 1x1 drone and can take more punches and is more difficult for melee attacks 10. Hummve instead of the original Hunter Vehicle. .
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