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[v21 E3 Geoscape Air Combat]Inconsistent range between auto resolve and manual combat

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I had an air combat where the auto resolve option was available (well it always is.) Instead I chose to do the combat myself. Upon entering combat I was immediately presented with the Bingo fuel warning. There wasn't time to get close enough to fire anything. I'm quite certain that had I used auto resolve it would have indeed completed the combat for me. It seems to me if the player can't close in manual combat then they shouldn't be able to auto resolve either.

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Squadrons not using fuel when autoresolving air combats and letting player engage even in low fuel are design choices. Exactly a month ago, Chris wrote me:

I don't really think this is a pressing issue to be honest. The idea of the autoresolve is that you don't need to worry about this sort of thing and you just need to get your planes to the right place at the right time, so at least for now I think we can leave out the fuel rules.
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Squadrons not using fuel when autoresolving air combats and letting player engage even in low fuel are design choices. Exactly a month ago, Chris wrote me:
Got it. But if that's the case why not give the player enough fuel to at least engage for 1 minute or so IF the interception is allowed before the "return to base" warning on the Geoscape. That way you could never have this issue.
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More important issue (to me) is that AC autoresolve allows for outright impossible victories. Like sending a single baseline Foxtrot against a Scout on Veteran difficulty (dunno if difficulty level matters ATM).

Two Avalanche torpedoes knock a Scout to 80% damage, meaning a baseline Foxtrot CANNOT defeat a Scout in one-on-one manual combat.

Autoresolve, however, gives the Foxtrot an 85% chance of destroying the scout. I ordered a Foxtrot to auto-engage; it destroyed the scout and took 34% damage. I guess ramming is an option if I'm not looking.

I can accept an argument that fuel management can be ignored for autoresolve. I cannot accept that autoresolve should allow the player to output more firepower than he/she ordered into the air.

P.S. I would have made a new thread for this because it is a different issue, but for some reason I can't post new threads ATM due to some weird technical thingy.

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